FCC Design Reports - Contributor Registration
The Future Circular Collider study (FCC) Conceptual Design Reports (CDR) are presently being finalised and on track for release in December 2018.
As a participant in the FCC design activities that took place during the first phase of the FCC Study from 2014 to 2018, you are kindly invited to join the FCC CDR contributor list. This list will be included in all volumes of the CDR set, covering all the aspects of the project. Therefore, your name will be associated with the entire study, not just with your specific contributions.
Please take note that the collection of CDR contributor names will close on Sunday 9 December 2018.
The editors of the CDR volumes put a lot of effort into documenting the immense amount of work and condensing the enormous material produced by the collaboration. We invite you to consult the near-final drafts of the FCC CDRs here:
- Volume 1: Physics Opportunities
- Volume 2: The Lepton Collider (FCC-ee)
- Volume 3: The Hadron Collider (FCC-hh)
- Volume 4: The High-Energy LHC (HE-LHC)
Please note that, due to the limited time left, the massive editorial work still needed to complete the volumes, and due to the large number of contributors, the editorial team cannot afford treating all comments or input on the above documents. However, should you have important observations or substantial comments, the editorial team will make an effort to consider them.
With warm thanks in advance for your cooperation, we are looking forward to the next phase of the FCC study!
Kind regards.
Michael Benedikt and Frank Zimmermann
on behalf of the FCC CDR editorial team