HL-LHC MQXF Workshop

Friday 19 October 2018 - 08:30
CERN (30/7-018)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Oct 2018
08:30 MQXFA Acceptance Criteria   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
08:50 MIP for magnet - Soren Prestemon (LBNL) Paolo Ferracin (CERN)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:20 Magnet Interfaces - Paolo Ferracin (CERN) Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:40 Cold-mass interfaces - Sandor Feher (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:00 --- Group picture (Parking 1st floor) and Coffee break ---
10:30 Frequency Scanning Interferometry and its application for the internal monitoring of the cold mass position inside the cryostat - Mateusz Sosin (CERN)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:20 Presentation of the metrological controls & measurements to be performed on the vacuum vessels, the cold masses and the cryostated magnets - Patrick Bestmann (CERN) Vivien Rude (CERN) Mateusz Sosin (CERN)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
12:00 --- Lunch break ---
14:00 Brainstorming on MQXFBP2 test results   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:15 --- Coffee break ---
16:45 AOB   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)