The Collinear Limit of the Energy-Energy Correlator: From CFTs to Jet Substructure(20'+10')

25 Jul 2019, 14:00
32-123 (MIT)


Plenary Talk Session


Dr Ian James Moult


The energy-energy-correlator (EEC) observable measures the energy deposited in two detectors as a function of the angle between the detectors. The collinear limit, where the angle between the two detectors approaches zero, is of particular interest for describing the substructure of jets produced at hadron colliders as well as in $e^+e^-$ annihilation. We derive a factorization formula for the leading power asymptotic behavior in the collinear limit of a generic quantum field theory. The relevant anomalous dimensions are expressed in terms of the timelike data of the theory, in particular the moments of the timelike splitting functions, which are known to high perturbative orders. In QCD and in $\mathcal{N}=1$ super-Yang-Mills theory, we then perform the resummation to next-to-next-to-leading logarithm, improving previous calculations by two perturbative orders. In conformally invariant $\mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory, a particular reciprocity between timelike and spacelike evolution can be used to express our factorization formula as a power law with exponent equal to the spacelike twist-two spin-three anomalous dimensions. This provides a connection between the timelike dynamics of jets and the spectrum of anomalous dimensions of local operators, which is amenable to techniques such as integrability, and we discuss implications of these relations away from the conformal limit.


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