12:30 PM
(until 2:00 PM)
12:30 PM
Boost 2020(Hamburg Status)
Gregor Kasieczka
(Hamburg University (DE))
Roman Kogler
(Hamburg University (DE))
Andreas Hinzmann
(Hamburg University (DE))
12:50 PM
Northern California consortium
Robin Erbacher
(University of California Davis (US))
Ben Nachman
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
1:00 PM
Peking University (北京大学)
Qiang Li
(Peking University (CN))
qiang li
1:10 PM
Brown University
Meenakshi Narain
(Brown University (US))
1:20 PM
South Aftrica
Deepak Kar
(University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))
12:30 PM
Open Lunch(non Boost IAC)
2:00 PM
Session: Machine Learning
Florencia Canelli
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
(until 3:50 PM)
2:00 PM
Machine Learning Intro (25'+5')
- Prof.
Justin Solomon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2:30 PM
ParticleNet: Jet Tagging via Particle Clouds (15'+5')
Huilin Qu
(Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))
2:50 PM
Interpretable Deep Learning for Two-Prong Jet Classification with Jet Spectra (15'+5')
Sung Hak Lim
3:10 PM
Leveraging symmetries in jet representations with harmonic networks(15'+5')
Chase Owen Shimmin
(Yale University (US))
3:30 PM
The Machine Learning Landscape of Top Taggers(15'+5')
Sebastian Macaluso
(New York University)
3:50 PM
(until 4:20 PM)
4:20 PM
Session: Machine Learning
Matthew Schwartz
(until 6:20 PM)
4:20 PM
Uncovering latent jet substructure(15'+5')
- Dr
Barry Dillon
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
4:40 PM
Jet grooming through reinforcement learning(15'+5')
Stefano Carrazza
5:00 PM
Deep-Learning Jets with Uncertainties and More(15'+5')
Jennifer Thompson
(ITP Heidelberg)
5:20 PM
Reweighting via classsification for MC tuning(15'+5')
- Dr
Anders Andreassen
(UC Berkeley)
5:40 PM
End-to-end particle and event identification at the Large Hadron Collider with CMS Open Data(15'+5')
Emanuele Usai
(Brown University (US))