Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11th International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction and Searches in HEP (BOOST 2019)

from Sunday 21 July 2019 (09:00) to Friday 26 July 2019 (23:45)
MIT (32-123)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Jul 2019
22 Jul 2019
23 Jul 2019
24 Jul 2019
25 Jul 2019
26 Jul 2019
Registration (until 09:00) (32-123)
Introduction - Philip Coleman Harris (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 10:30) (32-123)
09:00 Intro - Philip Coleman Harris (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (32-123)
09:10 Experimental Introduction (30'+10') - Petar Maksimovic (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (32-123)
09:50 Theoretical Introduction (30'+10') - David Shih (Rutgers University)   (32-123)
Coffee (until 11:00) (32-123)
Session - Andreas Hinzmann (Hamburg University (DE)) (until 12:00) (32-123)
11:00 Pileup mitigation techniques in CMS (20'+10') - Anna Benecke (Hamburg University (DE))   (32-123)
11:30 Inputs and Procedures of Jet Reconstruction in ATLAS (20+10) - Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj (DESY)   (32-123)
Session - Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 10:30) (32-123)
09:00 Heavy Ion Theory Intro (25+5) - Dr Konrad Tywoniuk (University of Bergen (NO))   (32-123)
09:30 Heavy Ion Experimental Intro (25+5) - Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez (Oak Ridge National Laboratory - (US))   (32-123)
10:00 A background estimator for jet studies in p+p and A+A collisions(10'+5') - Alba Soto Ontoso (Brookhaven National Lab)   (32-123)
10:15 Measuring hadrons around leptonic Z bosons in CMS open data using Z drop(10'+5') - Mr Meng-Hsiu Kuo   (32-123)
Coffee (until 11:00) (32-123)
Session - Andrew Larkoski (Reed Collge) (until 12:30) (32-123)
11:00 Mapping the Redistribution of Jet Energy in PbPb Collisions with CMS (20'+10') - Jing Wang (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (32-123)
11:30 Jets and parton shower development in heavy-ion collisions(20'+10') - Gregory Soyez (IPhT, CEA Saclay)   (32-123)
12:00 Jet/MET performance in CMS during Run2 (20'+10') - Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   (32-123)
Session - Gregory Soyez (IPhT, CEA Saclay) (until 10:30) (32-123)
09:00 Coherent Showers in Decays of Coloured Resonances(20'+10') - Dr Helen Brooks (Monash University)   (32-123)
09:30 Power Corrections for Soft Drop Jet Mass(20'+10') - Dr Aditya Pathak (U. Vienna)   (32-123)
10:00 A Theory of Quark vs. Gluon Discrimination(20'+10') - Andrew Larkoski (Reed Collge)   (32-123)
Coffee (until 11:00) (32-123)
Session - Peter Loch (University of Arizona (US)) (until 13:00) (32-123)
11:00 An approach to constraining the Higgs width at the LHC and HL-LHC (10'+5') - Cristina Ana Mantilla Suarez (Johns Hopkins University (US))   (32-123)
11:15 Cutting Multiparticle Correlators Down to Size (10'+5') - Patrick Komiske (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
11:30 Tagging of jets initiated by individual b/c-quarks or b-quark pairs in ATLAS (20'+10') - Ruth Magdalena Jacobs (University of Bonn (DE))   (32-123)
12:00 New results from searches with uncommon jet substructure(20'+10') - Marc Antoine Osherson (Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))   (32-123)
12:30 Measurements with highly boosted top quarks using the ATLAS detector (20'+10') - Mark Andrew Owen (University of Glasgow (GB))   (32-123)
Session - Salvatore Rappoccio (The State University of New York SUNY (US)) (until 10:30) (32-123)
09:00 Jet substructure measurements at CMS (20'+10') - Dennis Schwarz (Hamburg University (DE))   (32-123)
09:30 Precision measurements using jet substructure techniques at ATLAS(20'+10') - Jennifer Kathryn Roloff (Harvard University (US))   (32-123)
10:00 Precision calculation of the jet shape (20'+10') - Wouter Waalewijn (University of Amsterdam)   (32-123)
Coffee (until 11:00) (32-123)
Session - Marat Freytsis (University of Oregon) (until 12:30) (32-123)
11:00 Fitting the strong coupling constant for soft-drop thrust(20'+10') - Vincent Theeuwes (University of Goettingen)   (32-123)
11:30 Measurement of jet fragmentation using the ATLAS detector(20'+10') - Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))   (32-123)
12:00 Investigating the use of Quantum Computers for Final State Radiation(20'+10') - Ben Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (32-123)
Coffee (until 10:00) (32-123)
Summary - Jesse Thaler (MIT) (until 12:05) (32-123)
10:00 Experimental Summary (45'+10') - Chris Malena Delitzsch (University of Arizona (US))   (32-123)
10:55 Theory Summary (45'+10') - Frederic Alexandre Dreyer (Oxford)   (32-123)
11:50 Boost 2020 Hamburg - Roman Kogler (Hamburg University (DE))   (32-123)
Registration (until 16:00) (32-123)
Boost Camp (until 19:00) (32-155)
16:00 Boost Camp Part II - Simone Marzani (Università di Genova and INFN Genova)   (32-155)
17:00 Boost Camp Part I - Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg University (DE))   (32-155)
Lunch @ MIT and Poster Session (until 14:00) (32-123)
Session - Ayana Tamu Arce (Duke University (US)) (until 15:30) (32-123)
14:00 Future Collider Intro (25+5) - Liantao Wang (University of Chicago (US))   (32-123)
14:30 Jet sub-structure studies in full simulation for highly boosted objects at 100 TeV proton-proton collisions of the FCC-hh (10'+5') - Coralie Neubuser (CERN)   (32-123)
14:45 Studies of granularity of a hadronic calorimeter for tens-of-TeV jets at a 100 TeV pp collider (10'+5') - Mr Chih-Hsiang Yeh (National Central University (TW))   (32-123)
15:00 Studies of Jet Substructure in PbPb Collisions with CMS(20'+10') - Ran Bi (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (32-123)
Coffee (until 16:00) (32-123)
Session - Robin Erbacher (University of California Davis (US)) (until 18:00) (32-123)
16:00 Tagging of hadronically decaying massive particles in ATLAS(20'+10') - Steven Schramm (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (32-123)
16:30 New tagging approaches and validation in data(20'+10') - Meenakshi Narain (Brown University (US))   (32-123)
17:00 ATLAS Searches for Resonances Decaying to Boson Pairs (20'+10') - Enrique Kajomovitz Must (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
17:30 The Space of Collider Events (20'+10') - Eric Metodiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
Drinks @ Cambridge Brewing Company (until 20:30) (32-123)
Lunch (until 14:00) (32-123)
12:30 Boost 2020(Hamburg Status) - Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg University (DE)) Roman Kogler (Hamburg University (DE)) Andreas Hinzmann (Hamburg University (DE))   (32-123)
12:50 Northern California consortium - Robin Erbacher (University of California Davis (US)) Ben Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (32-123)
13:00 Peking University (北京大学) - Qiang Li (Peking University (CN)) qiang li   (32-123)
13:10 Brown University - Meenakshi Narain (Brown University (US))   (32-123)
13:20 South Aftrica - Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))   (32-123)
12:30 Open Lunch(non Boost IAC)   (32-123)
Session: Machine Learning - Florencia Canelli (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 15:50) (32-123)
14:00 Machine Learning Intro (25'+5') - Prof. Justin Solomon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
14:30 ParticleNet: Jet Tagging via Particle Clouds (15'+5') - Huilin Qu (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))   (32-123)
14:50 Interpretable Deep Learning for Two-Prong Jet Classification with Jet Spectra (15'+5') - Sung Hak Lim (KEK)   (32-123)
15:10 Leveraging symmetries in jet representations with harmonic networks(15'+5') - Chase Owen Shimmin (Yale University (US))   (32-123)
15:30 The Machine Learning Landscape of Top Taggers(15'+5') - Sebastian Macaluso (New York University)   (32-123)
Coffee (until 16:20) (32-123)
Session: Machine Learning - Matthew Schwartz (until 18:20) (32-123)
16:20 Uncovering latent jet substructure(15'+5') - Dr Barry Dillon (Jozef Stefan Institute)   (32-123)
16:40 Jet grooming through reinforcement learning(15'+5') - Stefano Carrazza (CERN)   (32-123)
17:00 Deep-Learning Jets with Uncertainties and More(15'+5') - Jennifer Thompson (ITP Heidelberg)   (32-123)
17:20 Reweighting via classsification for MC tuning(15'+5') - Dr Anders Andreassen (UC Berkeley)   (32-123)
17:40 End-to-end particle and event identification at the Large Hadron Collider with CMS Open Data(15'+5') - Emanuele Usai (Brown University (US))   (32-123)
Lunch @ MIT (until 14:00) (32-123)
Session - Roman Kogler (Hamburg University (DE)) (until 15:30) (32-123)
14:00 The Collinear Limit of the Energy-Energy Correlator: From CFTs to Jet Substructure(20'+10') - Dr Ian James Moult   (32-123)
14:30 Searches and techniques for boosted resonances (non-diboson) with the ATLAS detector (20'+10') - Kalliopi Iordanidou (TRIUMF (CA))   (32-123)
15:00 New results from searches with highly boosted top quarks (20'+10') - Reyer Edmond Band (University of California Davis (US))   (32-123)
Coffee (until 16:00) (32-123)
Session - Mihoko Nojiri (Theory Center, IPNS, KEK) (until 17:30) (32-123)
16:00 Analyzing CMS Open Collider Data through Topic Modeling(10'+5') - Radha Mastandrea (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
16:15 Collinear Drop (10'+5') - Dr Yang-Ting Chien (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (32-123)
16:30 Jet techniques in supersymmetry searches in the ATLAS experiment(20'+10') - Matt LeBlanc (University of Arizona (US))   (32-123)
17:00 New results from searches with highly boosted Higgs and vector bosons (20'+10') - Qiang Li (Peking University (CN))   (32-123)
17:30 Special Boost announcment   (32-123)
Discussion Panel - David Miller (University of Chicago (US)) Nhan Viet Tran (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 18:30) (32-123)
17:35 Material for Discussion Panel - Nhan Viet Tran (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) David Miller (University of Chicago (US))   (32-123)
Conference Dinner (until 21:30) (32-123)