Many Beyond Standard Model theories predict an increased number of boosted top quark events making the ttbar system an important stepping stone in the search for new physics. The ATLAS experiment has just finished its second run December 2018 with a total of 140 fb-1 worth of data collected through 2015-2018, with this luminosity, the run 2 data allows an analysis of a greater number of...
Rejecting jets originating from pile-up vertices in becoming a more important challenge at the LHC as the rates of pile-up increase. In the central region highly efficient rejection can be achieved using track-based variables but in the forward region this is not possible. This poster will cover ways of rejecting forward pile-up jets using the balance between identified central pile-up jets...
Jet quenching in heavy ion collisions serves as a way to understand the properties of the hot and dense quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Jets interact with the color charges of the QGP leading to a modification of the jet substructure by measuring which we can know the mechanism of jet quenching.
Due to the presence of a QGP, gluon radiation pattern in the parton shower as compared to the vacuum will...
Jet substructure variables for hadronic jets with transverse momenta in the range from 2.5 TeV to 20 TeV were studied using several designs for the spatial size of calorimeter cells. The studies used the full Geant4 simulation of calorimeter response combined with realistic reconstruction of calorimeter clusters. In most cases, the results indicate that the performance of jet-substructure...