Matthias Blau
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
10/7/10, 9:30 AM
Part I: Introduction to Quantum Gravity (Why? What? How?)
Part II: Status of String Theory as a Theory of Quantum Gravity
(Achievements and Shortcomings. Outlook)
Albion Lawrence
(Brandeis University, USA)
10/7/10, 11:00 AM
We study a holographic description of the region behind a black hole horizon using the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular we discuss the relationship between gauge theory observables adapted to external and infalling bulk observers, and the relationship between physics near the horizon and near the singularity Using D-brane probes we find some sharp signatures of the singularity. (Based in...
Nemanja Kaloper
(University of California, Davis, USA)
10/7/10, 11:30 AM
We explore in detail inflationary models where the inflaton is an axion whose potential is generated by the mixing with topological $4$-forms. The mixing-generated inflaton mass term is radiatively protected by a shift symmetry, that is only broken weakly by nonperturbative effects and/or background flux values. Such mechanisms are very similar to monodromy inflation, and may naturally emerge...