103rd Plenary ECFA meeting - CERN

Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))

ECFA is an important representative body of the European particle physics community, with delegates hailing primarily from major laboratories, research centres and universities. Traditionally, all CERN Member States, Associate Member States and Observer States are members of ECFA. Our website is at https://ecfa.web.cern.ch/

Long-range planning of European high-energy facilities - accelerators, large-scale facilities and equipment - adequate for the conduct of a valid high-energy research programme by the community of physicists in the participating countries and matched to the size of this community and to the resources which can be put at the disposal of high-energy physics by society. Duplication of similar accelerators should be avoided and international collaboration for the creation of these facilities should be encouraged if essential and efficient for attaining the purpose.

Equilibrium between the roles of international and national laboratories and university institutes in this research, and a close relation between research and education in high-energy physics and other fields.

Adequate conditions for research and a just and equitable sharing of facilities between physicists, irrespective of nationality and origin, as conducive to a successful collaborative effort.

On Thursday, 15 November, the full morning will be devoted to a workshop to disseminate the results of the ECFA survey on the recognition of individual achievements in large collaborations. The afternoon session will start with the brief standing items of Plenary ECFA, followed by a 1.5-day session including comprehensive overviews of all of the main future collider projects in and beyond Europe and related accelerator technologies.

The venue will be the main auditorium at CERN. The auditorium will be open to the community, with reserved seats for registered ECFA members.

The presentations will be webcast and the recordings shared with the community.


We would like to inform you that on Friday morning, the conference will be recorded by the production company of the IMAX documentary “The secrets of the Universe”. The production company agreed with CERN press office to minimize disturbance and take only general shots, however if you do not want to appear on camera, please contact the press office (press@cern.ch).



There is a live webcast for this event