8–11 Jun 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Discovering the library collections - Theory meets practice

9 Jun 2010, 16:30


Unioninkatu 40 / Fabianinkatu 39 (corner of Unioninkatu, Fabianinkatu and Kaisaniemenkatu), Helsinki
Presentation Users’ relevance behaviour and information ecology for digital libraries / Jela Steinerova (Comenius University Bratislava)


Mr Lukas Koster (Library of the University of Amsterdam)Ms Rosemie Callewaert (BIBNET)


Presenters: 1. Rosemie Callewaert, Project Manager Metadata Architecture, BIBNET, Belgium, http://www.bibnet.be 2. Lukas Koster, Library Systems Coordinator, Library of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, http://www.uba.uva.nl Format: Duo presentation, confrontation between theory and practice Background: The Library of the University of Amsterdam (Lukas' employer) has clear and explicit plans to implement new library 2.0 features: uniform discovery interface, mobile services, linked data/RDF, digital content, etc. However at the moment the UvA Library has not implemented any of this yet, mainly because recently much time has been invested in migrating to a new ILS. There are however a couple of web2.0 features in the new Aleph OPAC (http://opc.uva.nl). Besides that, the UvA Library offers the metasearch (MetaLib) and OpenUrl service (SFX) portal http://digitaal.uba.uva.nl. Lukas writes about technological, social and cultural developments in libraries on his blog http://commonplace.net, but that is only theory. There has not been an opportunity yet to "practice what he preaches". This will change in the near future. Bibnet is an organisation founded by the Flemish government for the development of the digital infrastructure and services for local public libraries, in the Flemish (Dutch speaking) part of Belgium. Rosemie is responsible for the Flemish public library union catalogue portal http://zoeken.bibliotheek.be, built with Aquabrowser based on the metadata of Open Vlacc, in which lots of library2.0 features have been implemented. Content: The proposal is to highlight a number of specific topics. Lukas will describe these topics briefly in a theoretical manner: "challenges" and solutions, advantages, etc. with supporting slides. After each short introduction, Rosemie will present the actual implementation in http://zoeken.bibliotheek.be, with some technical clarifications, practical problems, examples, etc. There will be a kind of dialogue between two people/two environments, hopefully also with interaction with the audience. Topics: * frbr/rda/marc/dc * metasearch vs harvesting and indexing * datamashups * linked data/semantic web/rdf/foaf * user interfaces: web discovery interfaces/online services, rss/mobile access, services/social networks * relevance ranking * search 3.0: blended and universal/vertical search * metadata+classification models: professionals/social tagging/implicit automatic tagging * cooperative models/virtual collections/union catalogues * academic libraries vs public libraries * physical vs virtual libraries * digital content

Primary authors

Mr Lukas Koster (Library of the University of Amsterdam) Ms Rosemie Callewaert (BIBNET)

Presentation materials

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