Jun 6 – 11, 2010
Village de Vacances de Lamoura
Europe/Zurich timezone

European Radioactive Ion Beam Conference. The second international EURORIB conference “EURORIB’10” will be held from June 6th to June 11th 2010 in Lamoura (France). Our nuclear physics community is eagerly awaiting the construction of the next generation of Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facilities in Europe: HIE-ISOLDE@CERN, NUSTAR@FAIR, SPES@LNL, SPIRAL2@GANIL and the future EURISOL. The collaborations built around these facilities are exploring new experimental and theoretical ideas that will advance our understanding of nuclear structure through studies of exotic nuclei. Following in the spirit of the conference held in Giens in 2008, EURORIB’10 will provide the opportunity for the different collaborations to come together and present these ideas, and explore the synergies between the research programmes based around the different accelerator projects. The main topics to be discussed at the conference are: 1) At and beyond the dripline 2) Shell structure far from stability 3) Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei 4) Dynamics and thermodynamics of exotic nuclear systems 5) Radioactive ion beams in nuclear astrophysics 6) New modes of radioactivity 7) Fundamental interactions 8) Applications in other fields 9) Future RIB facilities 10) Production and manipulation of RIB 11) Working group meetings on synergies in instrumentation and data acquisition.

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Village de Vacances de Lamoura
39310 Lamoura France
Conference location website: http://www.vvl-lamoura.fr/