Lamoura, June 6th – 11th, 2010
Dear Colleague,
Please find enclosed the final program of the ‘EURORIB’10’ conference which will be held in Lamoura (France) from June 6th to June 11th 2010.
In order to preserve the informal character of the meeting and to stimulate presentation of innovative ideas, no proceedings will be published.
In order to preserve the informal character of the meeting and to stimulate presentation of innovative ideas, no proceedings will be published.
Participants are welcome to arrive at Lamoura in the afternoon of Sunday 6th June between 16h00 and 22h00 and during conference hours starting at 8h00 on the following days.
In case registration fees are not credited on time to the conference account, participants are advised to bring with them a copy of their proof of payment (bank transfer or other justification) or their acknowledgement of receipt.
In case registration fees are not credited on time to the conference account, participants are advised to bring with them a copy of their proof of payment (bank transfer or other justification) or their acknowledgement of receipt.
Lunch and excursion tickets will be supplied in the registration package for participants and registered companions. Excursion tickets will also be available for purchase at the conference on Sunday and Monday only.
During the conference, you can reach the secretaries at the following numbers: +41 22 76 76059 and
+41 22 76 75828.
+41 22 76 75828.
The conference will begin on Monday June 7th at 9h00 and will close on Friday June 11th at 12h00.
The programme will consist of oral invited papers, oral contributed papers, poster presentations, working group sessions on instrumentation, electronics and data acquisition and a presentation and question session on the ENSAR contract.
Speakers are requested to bring their contribution in a common format (such as Powerpoint or PDF) on an electronic medium (CD, memory stick, etc…). Presentations can be uploaded to Indico before the conference ( , ‘my contribution’, add material). All speakers are encouraged to transfer their presentations as early as possible, and at least one day before their talk.
The poster session will be organised on Wednesday June 9th 2010 from 17:30 to 19:00
The three best posters, selected by the participants, will be given the opportunity of a 10 minute oral
presentation on Thursday afternoon. Speakers will be requested to bring their contribution in a common format (such as Powerpoint or PDF) on an electronic medium (CD, USB pen-drive, memory stick, etc…)
Poster boards will be provided. Posters should be presented in A0 portrait format. The panels for the poster will be marked with poster board numbers. Please check these numbers in the book of abstracts . The posters should be pinned to the boards on Sunday evening on your arrival. They will be on display from Monday to Thursday.
The address of the VVL is :
Village De Vacances De Lamoura
Phone: +33 (0)3 84 41 22 23
Fax: +33 (0)3 84 41 22 07
The address of the VVL is :
Village De Vacances De Lamoura
Phone: +33 (0)3 84 41 22 23
Fax: +33 (0)3 84 41 22 07
Conference secretary:
Phone +41 (0)22 767 5828 or +41 (0)22 767 6059
Phone +41 (0)22 767 5828 or +41 (0)22 767 6059
There is no possibility to withdraw money at the VVL. Please make the necessary arrangements beforehand. Lamoura is situated in France, the currency is the Euro.
Free WIFI is available in the amphitheatre and in the bar area of the resort but there are no TVs, telephones or internet in the bedrooms.
The resort reception is open from 08:00 until 22:00 and in the same building there is a newsagent.
The resort reception is open from 08:00 until 22:00 and in the same building there is a newsagent.
During the conference the following events are planned:
· A welcome cocktail on Monday 7th June at 18:40
- A poster cocktail on Wenesday 9th June at 17:30
- The conference dinner on Thursday 10th at 20:00
Please inform us if you have any special dietary requirement. - On Wednesday afternoon, there will be a choice of two excursions: a visit to a local cheesemaker or a guided walk in the beautiful Jura countryside. The price is 18 Euros. Participants who have not yet signed up for excursions can do so on Sunday and Monday. Only cash will be accepted.
At the heart of the beautiful Jura National Park, the resort is surrounded by pine forests and about 1h1/4 hours drive from Geneva. A wide range of sporting facilities are available.
Indoors the resort offers a 25m heated swimming pool and a large gymnasium for various sports including football, basketball, tennis, badminton and “jeux de boules”. There is also a well equipped gym. Outside the participants can make use of the tennis, basketball and volleyball courts. Access to all these facilities and all sporting equipment is provided to the conference participants by the resort free of charge. To relax after these sporting activities the participants have the use of the resort sauna and hamman at a small fee.
Don’t forget tennis rackets, bathing costumes and pool towels (please note that shorts are not allowed in the swimming pool).
The conference will be held in the Village de Vacances resort in Lamoura http://www.vvl‐, which is situated in the Jura mountains about an hour from Geneva. The conference will provide full board and lodging to participants from June 6th, (Sunday dinner) to June 11th, (Friday lunch).
The conference will be held in the Village de Vacances resort in Lamoura http://www.vvl‐, which is situated in the Jura mountains about an hour from Geneva. The conference will provide full board and lodging to participants from June 6th, (Sunday dinner) to June 11th, (Friday lunch).
Participants should organize their own trip to Lamoura. For those arriving at Geneva airport or Bellegarde train station (TGV from Paris) buses to the conference site will be organized on Sunday afternoon for the arrival and on Friday afternoon for the departure:
- Bus times are as follows:
Sunday 6th June:
- from Bellegarde train station : 18h15 (connects with TGV number 6577 which leaves Paris at 15h04)
- from Geneva airport : 17h00 and 20h00. People taking the 20h00 bus will not be able to have dinner at VVL.
For those arriving at Geneva train station, there are frequent trains out to the airport. For those arriving by private car, ample free parking is available on-site.
For those arriving on other days, the nearest train stations to Lamoura are Saint Claude (France) and La Cure (Suisse). A taxi from the train stations at St. Claude or La Cure will cost about 15 Euros and should be booked in advance.
The train timetable from La Cure to Geneva airport can be found at :
A taxi from Geneva airport to Lamoura will cost about 100 euros. Airport taxis will not take you to Lamoura. You must book a taxi in advance. You may contact the secretariat for assistance. It may be cheaper to rent a car. A map of access by road can be found at http://www.vvl‐,
Taxi des Neiges: +33 (0) 3 84 60 02 54
Taxi des 4 Villages: +33 (0) 3 84 60 02 01
Taxi des 4 Villages: +33 (0) 3 84 60 02 01
Friday 11th June:
- to Bellegarde train station : bus leaves VVL at 15h10 (connects with TGV number 6576 which leaves Bellegarde at 16h41).
- to Geneva airport : bus leaves VVL at 12h30 arriving at Geneva airport at 14h00 (there will be no lunch at VVL for people taking this bus) or leaves VVL at 14:00 arriving at Geneva airport at 15h30.
- to Bellegarde train station : bus leaves VVL at 15h10 (connects with TGV number 6576 which leaves Bellegarde at 16h41).
- to Geneva airport : bus leaves VVL at 12h30 arriving at Geneva airport at 14h00 (there will be no lunch at VVL for people taking this bus) or leaves VVL at 14:00 arriving at Geneva airport at 15h30.
If you intend to use the shuttles either from Geneva airport or Bellegarde train station, to or from VVL, please inform the EURORIB secretariat via as soon as possible, indicating your train or plane arrival times.
Information concerning the conference is available on the web site and for any questions you may have please contact .
Looking forward to seeing you at Lamoura,
The Organizing Committee, May 18th, 2010.
Organizing Committee:
Y. Blumenfeld (CERN)
P. Butler (University of Liverpool)
A. Herlert (CERN) (Scientific Secretary)
G. La Rana (INFN)
M. Lewitowicz (GANIL)
C. Scheidenberger (GSI)
Y. Blumenfeld (CERN)
P. Butler (University of Liverpool)
A. Herlert (CERN) (Scientific Secretary)
G. La Rana (INFN)
M. Lewitowicz (GANIL)
C. Scheidenberger (GSI)
Conference Secretary
J. Weterings (CERN)
S. Padlewski (CERN)
J. Weterings (CERN)
S. Padlewski (CERN)
Monday 07 June 2010
Shell structure Far From Stability I - (07 June 09:10-10:40)
Shell structure Far From Stability I - (07 June 09:10-10:40)
Convener: HERLERT, Alexander (CERN)
09:10 Extended energy density functionals and ground-state correlations in nuclei (00h30') DOBACZEWSKI, Jacek (University of Warsaw)
09:40 Onset of collectivity in neutron-rich Fe isotopes (00h20') LJUNGVALL, Joa (CSNSM Orsay)
10:00 Isomer spectroscopy of 127Cd and 125Cd (00h20') NAQVI, Farheen (GSI)
10:20 Pygmy Resonances in Exotic Nuclei (00h20') TSONEVA, Nadia (University of Giessen)
Coffee Break (10:40-11:10)
Shell Structure Far From Stability II - (07 June 11:10-13:00)
Convener: HERLERT, Alexander (CERN)
11:10 Shell structure far from stability (00h30') LENZI, Silvia (INFN Padova)
11:40 Single particle states in 67Ni (00h20') DIRIKEN, Jan (IKS-KU Leuven)
12:00 Spectroscopy of neutron-rich lead nuclei (00h20') BENZONI, Giovanna (INFN Milano)
12:20 Exploring life-time of low-lying states in neutron rich nuclei towards 78Ni with the
plunger technique at GANIL (00h20') MOUGINOT, Batipste (IPN Orsay)
12:40 Laser spectroscopy of gallium isotopes using ISCOOL (00h20') CHEAL, Bradley (University of Manchester)
Lunch (13:00-14:30)
Shell Structure Far From Stability II (continued)- (07 June 11:10-13:00)
14:30 The EXL experiment at FAIR (00h20') KALANTAR-NAYESTANAKI, Nasser (KVI)
14:30 The EXL experiment at FAIR (00h20') KALANTAR-NAYESTANAKI, Nasser (KVI)
Fundamental Interactions - (07 June 14:30-16:10)
Convener: SCHEIDENBERGER, Christoph (GSI)
14:50 “Fundamental Interaction Studies with Radioactive Nuclei” (00h30') SEVERIJNS, Nathal (IKS-KU Leuven)
15:20 Time-Modulation of Two-Body Weak Decays with Massive Neutrinos (00h30') KIENLE, Paul (GSI)
15:50 Limits on tensor-type weak currents obtained with beta-asymmetry measurements in
nuclear decays. (00h20') WAUTERS, Frederik (IKS-KU Leuven)
Coffee Break (16:10-16:40)
Working Group - Synergies in Instrumentation - (07 June 16:40-18:40)
Convener: MAJ, Adam (IFJ PAN Krakow) and GERL, Jürgen (GSI)
16:40 Overview on large gamma arrays and complementary instrumentation (00h25') GADEA, Andres (University of Valencia)
17:05 Experiments with Exotic Nuclei applying a new Generation of In-flight Separators and Spectrometers (00h25') GEISSEL, Hans (GSI)
17:30 MUSETT and the spectroscopy of heavy elements at GANIL (00h10') THEISEN, Christophe (CEA Saclay)
17:40 The CHyMENE project for a windowless solid hydrogen thin target (00h10') GILLIBERT, Alain (CEA Saclay)
17:50 MINOS: a new active target for in-beam gamma spectroscopy (00h10') OBERTELLI, Alexandre (CEA Saclay)
18:00 Active target ACTAR for the low-energy short-lived radioactive SPIRAL2 beams NALPAS, Laurent (CEA Saclay)
18:10 Prototyping of DSSD detectors for the EXL project (00h10') STREICHER, Branislav (KVI)
18:20-19:00 Discussion
Welcome Cocktail and Dinner (19:00-20:15)
Tuesday 08 June 2010
Production and Manipulation of RIB - (08 June 09:00-11:00)
Production and Manipulation of RIB - (08 June 09:00-11:00)
Convener: FEDOSSEEV , Valentine (CERN)
09:00 Production and Manipulation of Radioactive Ion Beams (00h30') MOORE, Iain (University of Jyväskylä)
09:30 Production and manipulation of relativistic exotic nuclei (00h30') WEICK, Helmut (GSI)
10:00 A novel method for isomeric beam production (00h20') FLANAGAN, Kieran (University of Manchester)
10:20 The ISOLDE RILIS laser upgrade program (00h20') MARSH, Bruce (CERN)
10:40 Secondary neutrons as the main source of the neutron rich fission residues production
after the bombardment of a thick U target by 1 GeV protons: experimental evidences
for Cs isotopes (00h20') BARZAKH, Anatolij (PNPI)
Coffee Break (11:00-11:30)
Radioactive Ion Beams in Nuclear Astrophysics - (08 June 11:30-12:40)
Convener: NILSSON, Thomas (Chalmers University of Technology)
11:30 Radioactive ion beams in nuclear astrophysics (00h30') REIFARTH, Rene (GSI)
12:00 Perspectives for nuclear astrophysics using ultra-dense ion beams and highly brilliant
gamma beams (00h20') THIROLF, Peter (LMU Munich)
12:20 beta-decay half lives of nuclei approaching the r-process path near the 126-neutron
shell closure (00h20') MORALES LOPEZ, Anabel (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Lunch (12:40-14:30)
At and Beyond the Dripline - (08 June 14:30-15:40)
Convener: JONSON, Björn (Chalmers University of Technology)
14:30 Recent results from experiments at and beyond the dripline (00h30’) CORTINA, Dolores (University of Santiago de Compostela)
15:00 Beta decay directly to continuum (00h20') RIISAGER, Karsten (University of Aarhus)
15:20 first results of reactions induced with exotic beams in the region of 11Be with chimera array (00h20') GRASSI, Laura (INFN Catania)
Coffee (15:40-16:10)
New Modes of Radioactivity - (08 June 16:10-17:20)
Convener: HUYSE, Mark (IKS-KU Leuven)
16:10 Two proton radioactivity: status and perspectives (00h30') BLANK, Bertram (CEN Bordeaux)
16:40 Study of exotic beta-decays of light nuclei with an implantation technique (00h20') RAABE, Riccardo (IKS-KU Leuven)
17:00 Observation of gamma-delayed three-alpha breakup in 12C: a complete kinematics
approach to study multi-particle final state reactions (00h20') TENGBLAD, Olof (CSIC Madrid)
Working Group - Synergies in Data Acquisition - (08 June 17:20-19:20)
Conveners: POLLACCO, Emmanuel (CEA Saclay) and WOERTCHE, Heinrich (INCAS)
Conveners: POLLACCO, Emmanuel (CEA Saclay) and WOERTCHE, Heinrich (INCAS)
17:20 Front-end electronics and Controls as seen from the NUSTAR/FAIR perspective (00h20’) SIMON, Haik (GSI)
17:40 Trends of FEE Instrumentations for Spiral2 detectors (00h20’) TRIPPON, Michel (Ganil)
18:10 INCAS (00H20’) WOERTCHE Heinrich (INCAS)
18:30 Front-end electronics and Data acquisition of Facia detector (00h20') BINI, Maurizio (INFN Legnaro)
18:30 - 19:20 (00h50') Discussion
Dinner (19:20-20:15)
Wednesday 09 June 2010
Facility Talks I - (09 June 09:00-10:30)
Facility Talks I - (09 June 09:00-10:30)
Convener: AZAIEZ, Faical, IPN Orsay
09:00 GANIL-SPIRAL2: a new era at the dawn of a new decade (00h30') GALES, Sydney (GANIL)
09:30 HIE-ISOLDE: Status Report of the Project and Highlights (00h30') KADI, Yacine (CERN)
10:00 SPES Project (00h30') PRETE, Gianfranco (INFN Legnaro)
Coffee (10:30-11:00)
Facility Talks II - (09 June 11:00-12:00)
Convener: GUILLEMAUD-MüLLER, Dominique, (IPN Orsay)
Convener: GUILLEMAUD-MüLLER, Dominique, (IPN Orsay)
11:00 The TRIUMF-ISAC radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility: recent highlights and future plans (00h30') BALL, Gordon (TRIUMF)
11:30 EURISOL – European ISOL facility for high-intensity exotic beams (00h30') ÄYSTÖ, Juha (University of Jyväskylä)
Lunch (12:00-13:30)
Excursion (09 June 13:30-17:30)
Poster session (09 June 17:30-19:00)
The European initiative ENSAR (09 June 19:00-20:00)
Dinner (20:00-21:00)
Thursday 10 June 2010
Facility Talks III - (10 June 09:00-11:00)
Facility Talks III - (10 June 09:00-11:00)
Convener: LEWITOWICZ, Marek (GANIL)
09:00 The FAIR project (00h30') SHARKOV, Boris (GSI)
09:30 NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University (00h30') MORRISSEY, David (NSCL)
10:00 Present Status and Perspectives of RIKEN RIBF (00h30') SAKURAI, Hiro (RIKEN)
10:30 A plan to construct a rare isotope accelerator facility in Korea (00h30') HONG, Seung-Woo (KoRIA)
Coffee (11:00-11:30)
Future RIB Facilities - (10 June 11:30-12:50)
Convener: LEWITOWICZ, Marek (GANIL)
11:30 The new intermediate energy in flight facility ACCULINNA-2 (00h20') KAMINSKI, Grzegorz (JINR)
11:50 The ALTO facility for the production of rare nuclei (00h20') LAU, Christophe (IPN Orsay)
12:10 SPIRAL 1 upgrade: status and perspectives for physics (00h20') DELAHAYE, Pierre (GANIL)
Lunch (12:50-14:30)
Fusion Reactions and Synthesis of Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei - (10 June 14:30-16:30)
Convener: LA RANA, Giovanni (INFN Napoli)
14:30 To fuse or not to fuse: That is the question (00h30') ALAHARI, Navin (GANIL)
15:00 Present and future studies of Superheavy Nuclei (00h30') GREENLEES, Paul (University of Jyväskylä)
15:30 Sub-barrier fusion of 6He + 208Pb (00h20') MARTEL BRAVO, Ismael (University of Huelva)
15:50 Heavy and superheavy nuclei in covariant density functional theory (00h20') AFANASJEV, Anatoli (Mississippi State University)
16:10 Temperature evolution of the GDR width and Jacobi shape transitions in hot rotating
88Mo nuclei (00h20') CIEMAłA, Michał (IFJ PAN Krakow)
Coffee (16:30-17:00)
Dynamics and Thermodynamics - (10 June 17:00-18:10)
Convener: LA RANA, Giovanni (INFN Napoli)
17:00 Even-odd effects in multifragmentation products (00h30') RICCIARDI, Maria Valentina (GSI)
17:30 Testing the behavior of neutron-rich systems away from normal density (00h20') COLONNA, Maria (INFN Catania)
17:50 Dynamical dipole mode in fusion heavy-ion reactions (00h20') SILVESTRI, Rosetta (INFN Napoli)
Poster Prize Talks - (10 June 18:10-18:55)
Conference Dinner (20:00-21:30)
Jazz Band (10 June 21:30-23:00)
Friday 11 June 2010
Applications in other fields - (11 June 09:00-10:20)
Applications in other fields - (11 June 09:00-10:20)
Convener: NEWMAN, Richard (iThemba LABS National Research Foundation)
09:00 Applications of radioactive beams (00h30') KoSTER, Ulli (ILL)
09:30 Applications of RIBs in other fields (00h30') CUTTONE, Giacomo (INFN Catania)
10:00 Use of RIB facilities for producing isotopes for cancer treatment by DαRT (00h20') KELSON, Itzhak (University of Tel Aviv)
Coffee (10:20-10:50)
Shell Structure Far From Stability III - (11 June 10:50-12:00)
Convener: BUTLER, Peter (University of Liverpool)
10:50 Masses and Structure in Exotic Nuclei (00h30') CASTEN, Richard (Yale University)
11:20 Testing fundamental symmetries with Ra isotopes (00h20’) WILLMANN, Lorenz (KVI)
11:40 In-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of neutron-deficient 57-59Cu isotopes at LISOL (00h20')
COCOLIOS, Thomas (IKS-KU Leuven)
Lunch (12:00-13:30)
- to Bellegarde train station : bus leaves VVL at 15h10 (connects with TGV number 6576 which leaves Bellegarde at 16h41).
- to Geneva airport : bus leaves VVL at 12h30 arriving at Geneva airport at 14h00 (there will be no lunch at VVL for people taking this bus) or leaves VVL at 14:00 arriving at Geneva airport at 15h30.
- to Bellegarde train station : bus leaves VVL at 15h10 (connects with TGV number 6576 which leaves Bellegarde at 16h41).
- to Geneva airport : bus leaves VVL at 12h30 arriving at Geneva airport at 14h00 (there will be no lunch at VVL for people taking this bus) or leaves VVL at 14:00 arriving at Geneva airport at 15h30.
You will find the timetable on the EURORIB’10 website at