Christian Bierlich
(Lund University (SE))
09/09/2019, 08:40
Filip Krizek
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
09/09/2019, 09:05
Robert Ray
09/09/2019, 09:30
Malgorzata Anna Janik
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
09/09/2019, 09:55
Veronica Canoa
(Stony Brook University)
09/09/2019, 10:40
Chi Yang
(Shandong University)
09/09/2019, 11:05
Justin Edward Frantz
(Ohio University (US))
09/09/2019, 11:30
09/09/2019, 11:55
Thomas Peitzmann
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
09/09/2019, 14:00
Marc Schlegel
(New Mexico State University)
09/09/2019, 14:25
Qinghua Xu
(Shandong University)
09/09/2019, 14:50
Elena Kokoulina
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
09/09/2019, 15:15
Jared Reiten
09/09/2019, 16:00
Weeam Albaltan
09/09/2019, 16:12
Haitao Li
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
09/09/2019, 16:24
Derek Anderson
(Texas A&M University)
09/09/2019, 16:36
Yangfang Liu
09/09/2019, 16:48
Ajeeta Khatiwada
(Purdue University (US))
09/09/2019, 17:12
Bin Yan
09/09/2019, 17:24
Jasmine Brewer
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
10/09/2019, 08:40
Yang-Ting Chien
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
10/09/2019, 09:05
Lin Dai
(University of Pittsburgh)
10/09/2019, 09:30
Ming Xiong Liu
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
10/09/2019, 09:55
Rene Bellwied
(University of Houston (US))
10/09/2019, 10:40
Vytautas Vislavicius
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
10/09/2019, 11:05
Maciej Rybczynski
(Jan Kochanowski University (PL))
10/09/2019, 11:30
Ron Belmont
(University of Colorado Boulder)
10/09/2019, 11:55
Jana N. Guenther
(University of Wuppertal)
10/09/2019, 14:00
Luis Alberto Hernandez
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)
10/09/2019, 14:25
Fernando Navarra
(University of Sao paulo)
10/09/2019, 14:50
Tom Trainor
(University of Washington)
10/09/2019, 15:15
Georg Wolschin
(Heidelberg University)
10/09/2019, 16:00
John Matthew Durham
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
10/09/2019, 16:25
Claude Andre Pruneau
(Wayne State University (US))
10/09/2019, 16:50
Christophe Royon
(The University of Kansas (US))
10/09/2019, 17:15
Fares Djama
(CNRS/IN2P3 CPPM - Aix-Marseille Univ.)
11/09/2019, 08:40
Roman Pasechnik
(Lund university)
11/09/2019, 09:05
Justin Andrew Williams
(The University of Kansas (US))
11/09/2019, 09:30
Christophe Royon
(The University of Kansas (US))
11/09/2019, 09:55
Tamas Csorgo
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
11/09/2019, 10:40
Renaud Boussarie
(Brookhaven National Lab)
11/09/2019, 11:05
elke-caroline Aschenauer
11/09/2019, 11:30
11/09/2019, 11:55
Zhongbo Kang
12/09/2019, 08:40
Andy Buckley
(University of Glasgow (GB))
12/09/2019, 09:05
Daekyoung Kang
(The Ohio State University)
12/09/2019, 09:30
Robert Hankache
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)),
Sergei Chekanov
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
12/09/2019, 09:55
Fred Sarazin
(Colorado School of Mines)
12/09/2019, 10:40
Jessica Lynn Muir
(Michigan State University-Unknown-Unknown)
12/09/2019, 11:05
Kally Malone
12/09/2019, 11:30
Ingo Tews
12/09/2019, 11:55
Bill Gary
(University of California Riverside (US))
12/09/2019, 14:00
Xuan Li
(Los Alamos National Lab)
12/09/2019, 14:25
Dennis Perepelitsa
(University of Colorado Boulder)
12/09/2019, 14:50
Sooraj Krishnan Radhakrishnan
(State University of New York (US))
12/09/2019, 15:15
Veronica Dexheimer
(Kent State University)
12/09/2019, 16:00
Aleksey Cherman
(University of Minnesota)
12/09/2019, 16:25
Srimoyee Sen
(University of Arizona)
12/09/2019, 16:50
We show that vortices in scalar superfluids can carry magnetic fields inside their cores when the condensing particle is composed of excitations that are oppositely charged and are not degenerate. We estimate the size of this magnetic field using effective field theory and illustrate how such an effect can arise from the underlying microphysics. Our findings may have observational consequences...
Christopher Lee
13/09/2019, 08:40
Dipangkar Dutta
(Mississippi State University)
13/09/2019, 09:05
Alexandre Camsonne
13/09/2019, 09:30
Matthew Sievert
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
13/09/2019, 09:55
Daniel Pershey
(Duke University)
13/09/2019, 10:40
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
13/09/2019, 11:05
Fan Guo
13/09/2019, 11:30
Tamas Csorgo
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
13/09/2019, 11:55
Jakub Jankowski
(Jagiellonian University)
13/09/2019, 14:00
Douglas Wertepny
(Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
13/09/2019, 14:25
Aleksas Mazeliauskas
13/09/2019, 14:50
Andrey Sadofyev
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
13/09/2019, 15:15