The ElectroMagnetic Mass Analyser (EMMA) is a new experimental facility at TRIUMF. Located after the ISAC-II accelerator, EMMA is a symmetric QQEDEQQ-type mass spectrometer capable of separating recoiling nuclear reaction products from the beam. With the low emittance radioactive beams delivered from ISAC-II at energies up to at least 6.5 A MeV, EMMA is designed for fusion evaporation and transfer reactions of interest in nuclear structure and astrophysics studies. A vacuum mode separator, EMMA disperses ions according to mass/charge in the focal plane. During successful commissioning runs over the last year, the angular, energy, and mass acceptances as well as the dispersion were characterized. EMMA is currently being coupled with the TIGRESS γ-ray detector array, to perform detailed in-beam spectroscopy. Today, we present the current status of the EMMA mass spectrometer as it begins its experimental life.