3–5 Feb 2019
Lipika Auditorium, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Signatures of parton saturation at small-x

4 Feb 2019, 15:18


Dr mayuri devee (University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya)


The parton saturation behaviour at small-x is shown in a semi-analytical solution of the nonlinear GLR-MQ equation with parton recombination corrections, which resembles the widely discussed BK saturation of gluons. The effect of gluon shadowing on the small-x and moderate-Q^2 behaviour of gluon and singlet quark distribution function is examined. The computed results are compared with different experimental data as well as global parametrizations. It is very fascinating to observe that the strong growth of parton density corresponding to the linear QCD evolution equations at small-x can be tamed by gluon shadowing. Our predictions for nonlinear parton density are also compared with the results for the integrated gluon density obtained from the BK equation. The resulting analytic expression for nonlinear gluon density further allows us to predict the logarithmic derivative of the singlet structure function dF_2^S(x,Q^2)/dlnQ^2 which also shows a tamed behavior in the small-x region due to shadowing corrections. The present calculation suggests that the saturation of parton density towards small-x can be interpreted as a dynamical balance between the splitting and the recombination processes of partons, without incorporating any other mechanism.


Dr mayuri devee (University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya)

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