3–5 Feb 2019
Lipika Auditorium, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Looking for Extra Dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider

Not scheduled
Lipika Auditorium, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan

Lipika Auditorium, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan

At the Lipika Auditorium and the Library Hall Department of Physics, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India - 731 235


Anindya Datta (University of Calcutta)


A model of elementary particles defined in $4 +1$ space time dimensions
naturally provides a candidate for the dark Matter. The hall mark of such a model is the presence of Kaluza Klein excitations of our known Standard Model fields. We will discuss a possible search strategy of such a model at the Large Hadron Collider.


Anindya Datta (University of Calcutta)

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