Empirical drops in ground-state nuclear polarizabilities indicate deviations from the effect of giant dipole resonances and may reveal the presence of shell effects in semi-magic nuclei with neutron magic numbers N = 50, 82 and 126. Similar drops of polarizability in the quasi-continuum of nuclei with, or close to, magic numbers N = 28, 50 and 82, could reflect the continuing influence of...
Nuclei in the vicinity of the N~Z line form a unique laboratory for studying many different phenomena among which the interplay of T=0 and 1 states at low energy, the role of neutron–proton pairing correlations, the shape coexistence along the N=Z line, the role of isospin symmetry and to which extent it is violated. A special emphasis is put on the heaviest N=Z nuclei located to the doubly...
The ElectroMagnetic Mass Analyser (EMMA) is a new experimental facility at TRIUMF. Located after the ISAC-II accelerator, EMMA is a symmetric QQEDEQQ-type mass spectrometer capable of separating recoiling nuclear reaction products from the beam. With the low emittance radioactive beams delivered from ISAC-II at energies up to at least 6.5 A MeV, EMMA is designed for fusion evaporation and...