6–11 Oct 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Antimatter Factory and Data Centre Inside

8 Oct 2019, 13:45
2h 30m



The whole group meets in front of the CERN Hotel (Building 39) at 13:45!

Group 1

13:45-14:00 Walk from the CERN Hotel to the AD
14:00-14:55 AD
14:55-15:05 Walk from the AD to the Data Centre
15:05-16:00 Data Centre Inside
16:00-16:15 Walk from the Data Centre to the CERN Hotel

Group 2

13:45-14:00 Walk from the CERN Hotel to the Data Centre
14:00-14:55 Data Centre Inside
14:55-15:05 Walk from the Data Centre to the AD
15:05-16:00 AD
16:00-16:15 Walk from the AD to the CERN Hotel

Presentation materials

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