ETICS Technical Commitee




Conference Name: ETICS Technical Committee meeting Recurrence: Every Thursday at 15:30 CET Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (Main) Access code: 0126137 (Participant) Participant site:
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      Welcome and headcount
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      Status reports
      Highlights of the week, 5 minutes for each WP (NA2, SA1, SA2, JRA1, JRA2)
      • a) NA2
        NA2 weekly report 27th November 10^th December* q Surveys delayed because of other activities with higher priorities. q Preparing a short introduction video/presentation for the website home page it will be ready before Christmas q Preparing an abstract to submit at the EGEE user Forum. Probably the title will be “ETICS a success story from research to production” and will leverage on the outcomes of the last demo within Engineering and the adoption of ETICS in production projects. AOB - Need to create a new project on ETICS for the innovation lab in Palermo to start experimenting on … who takes care of this? - Need to perform knowledge transfer … can we choose some dates?
      • b) SA1
        ++ Services - Solved with SL5 builds in the ETICS Services. - Working on the features agreed in Bologna plus the usual activities ++ Releases - Release 2.4.8 and 2.49 released. (mostly bug fixes and minor improvements) - 2.5.0 is the next major release (disseminator, AQCM, dashboard) - 3.0 will have Multi-Node and VMLOader ++ Development - Continuing from last weeks Multinode - Working on multi-node testing on all aspects involved (WS, repository, clients, etc) - A bit late on the client side, will not have editing (work restarts this week). - Adapting the Web Applications to support the configuration and launch of multi-node tests. - Plugins are included and executed. Collecting metrics every build Metrics, Dashboard - Dashboard for a User Project is being tested for etics itself. AQCM Reports - AQCM report is considering many metrics. Only a few missing. Reports generated. - Plug-ins integration continuted. The plugins received are now integrated. Submitters - Submitters integration progressing on the development environment (SA2). - VMloader (ex bootstraper) can execute and report the results on vmware. Working in integrating it with NMI. Dynamically runs builds and tests on a worker node with VMWARE and the images of SL4 SL5 on 32,64 bits. As a proof of concept and prototype is a success now we need to put it in 3.0. ++ Deliverables - Preparing draft 0.7 of DJRA1.5 (implementation of VM support) received input from JRA1 but SA1 still has to complete it.
      • c) SA2
        Support ------- - Normal. Infrastructure Integration Job Submission ------------------------------------------ - Bug fix release of the submission web service, not yet attached to etics-dev as UNICORE submitter not yet aligned. - Maintaining setup agreed in Bologna. Central services with the latest (reasonably) etics-dev, Metronome, gLite and UNICORE submitters. - Testing the virtual worker node selection mechanism. Two images prepared, one for a SLC4 64, one for a SL5 64. Selection done using a JDL attribute. - gLite submitter version using gLite WSDL interfaces instead of gLite libraries nearly completed. - EC2 submitter development going on. Still working with my personal account. No serious work can be done without another account. Deliverables and Milestones --------------------------- DXXX? The new deliverable on the cloud submitter. Name, description? Will be ready within the end of the project. Not started yet.
      • d) JRA1
      • e) JRA2
        Integration 1. *Extension of ETICS Administration Web App with TestSystem specific Roles* _*Done*_: - All the TestSystem functions added to the Web App. by Jozsef, however there are some difficulties in the BuildSystem Service side with deleteing the TestSystemRole-s. * adding/listing TestSystemRole-s working _*TODO*_: - BuildSystem WS must be updated to handle all the queries of the Administration Web App.: eg. deleteObject. Andres is working on it. - After the new BuildSystem is in the etics-dev we have to test that the TestSystem handles rights correctly. - (4DSOFT will do that) 2. *Workflow Designer integration into eticsDev* _*Done*_: - Automatic login into the WorkflowDesigner is completed by 4DSZOFT and Sztaki - Sztaki had completed with an install package for the workflow designer - The package contains: tomcat 5.5, jdk 1.6, workflowDesigner apps., install scripts. _*TODO*_: - Jozsef will test it locally to make sure it is ready to be added into the etics deployment process. - After everything goes smoothly, we will add the Workflow Designer into etics install scripts with Marian. - Sztaki has to add the sendToBuildsystem(workflowXml, userId) method which will send the WF xml to the BuildSystem for processing - depends on 3.) -If the next ETICS release will be upgraded (java and tomcat) Sztaki will update the existing install package and the java and tomcat dependencies will be removed 3. *Execution of the xml output generated by Workflow Designer by the ETICS web service* *_TODO_*: - Jozsef will write the parser and the save to db. part for the workflow xml - it's the output of the workflow designer - Andres will add a new method to the BuildSystem Web Service for WorkFlow Designer - After that 4DSOFT have to test workflow xml saving into etics database 4. *ETICS client extension with etics-plugin-manager* _*Done*_: - Some month ago Jozsef has extended the etics CLI with some TestSystem functionality: * interactive management for all the plugins: downloading, installing, deleting plugins * the new cli services using the TestSystem Web Service to obtain neccesarry data. _*TODO*_: - 4DSOFT has to update the existing CLI testsystem functions. - we have to adapt the TestSystem for installing plugins instead of the existing xml-repository procedure. - furter investigation needed for the complete PluginManager replecament
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      All hands meeting
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      Deliverables, milestones and planning check
      Formal check of agreed milestones and planning
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      ETICS USIS (User Satisfaction Improvement Strategy)
      Improving user satisfaction about usage of the ETICS services is critical. ETICS is often perceived as slow and difficult to use. This is due to a number of factors: 1) Need for technical improvements in speed and usability 2) Disinformation or third-party rumours 3) General resistance to adopt 'procedures' We need to understand what to focus on and have a plan to address this issue as a combination of technical enhancements, training and dissemination. Where to start?
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