1 November 2018 to 19 December 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

REDTOP: Rare Eta Decays with a TPC for Optical Photons

Not scheduled
Flavour Physics and CP violation (quarks, charged leptons and rare processes)


The REDTOP experiment is primarily intended to look for new violations of
the basic symmetries. It aims to improve the sensitivity level of key physics conservation laws by several orders of magnitude beyond those of previous experiments. In doing so, it will open doorways for possible Physics Beyond the Standard Model including dark matter and energy, and/or new forces. The REDTOP measurements will focus on rare decays of the η and η’ mesons produced by proton beams of a few GeV energy and high intensity. Physics BSM is searched mainly in the decay products of the η and η’ mesons.


Dr Corrado Gatto (Isituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and Northern Illinois University)


Presentation materials