Help us make Indico better by taking this survey! Aidez-nous à améliorer Indico en répondant à ce sondage !

1 November 2018 to 19 December 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone



In order to submit input, you need to have a registered account at CERN.
If you do not have one please fill in the form under 


  1. Main document: Please prepare a pdf file containing a cover page (title, abstract, name of the contact person and his/her e-mail address) and a comprehensive and self-contained description of the proposed input (maximum 10 pages). This document should address (when applicable) the scientific context, objectives, methodology, readiness and expected challenges.
  2. Addendum: Please also prepare a pdf file containing information on the following topics (where relevant): interested community, timeline, construction and operating costs, computing requirements. The name of this pdf file should be as follows: "Addendum-NN.pdf", where NN is the file-name of your main document.
  3. Submitting input: Select the “Submit input” tab and then click on the “Submit new abstract” button and upload both the main document and the addendum following the instructions in the “Attachments” field. Once submitted, both documents will be passed on to the Physics Preparatory Group (PPG) and the European Strategy Group (ESG), and made public in January 2019 for consideration before the Open Symposium from 13-16 May 2019. Please copy the abstract of your input into the field labelled “Content”. Please also indicate one or more submission themes (tracks) to which your input relates:
    • Large experiments and projects
    • National road maps
    • Accelerator Science and Technology
    • Beyond the Standard Model at colliders (present and future)
    • Dark matter and dark sector  (accelerator and non-accelerator dark matter, dark photons, hidden sector, axions)
    • Instrumentation and computing
    • Electroweak physics (physics of the W, Z, H bosons, of the top quark, and QED)
    • Flavour Physics and CP violation (quarks, charged leptons and rare processes)
    • Neutrino physics (accelerator and non-accelerator)
    • Strong interactions (perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, DIS, heavy ions)
    • Other (communication, outreach, strategy process, technology transfer, individual contributions,…)
  4. For confidential addenda: If you wish the addendum to be treated as confidential (i.e. limited to the PPG and ESG), you should send it to the following email address by 18 December 2018


Please note that Indico always refers to submitted documents as "abstracts".

Should you encounter problems submitting a file, please contact us at this address.