1 November 2018 to 19 December 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

The International Linear Collider. A European Perspective

Not scheduled
Large experiments and projects


The International Linear Collider (ILC) being proposed in Japan is an electron-positron linear
collider with an initial energy of 250 GeV. The ILC accelerator is based on the technology of super-
conducting radio-frequency cavities. This technology has reached a mature stage in the European
XFEL project and is now widely used.
The ILC will start by measuring the Higgs properties, providing high-precision and model-
independent determinations of its parameters. The ILC at 250 GeV will also search for direct
new physics in exotic Higgs decays and in pair-production of weakly interacting particles. The
use of polarised electron and positron beams opens new capabilities and scenarios that add to the
physics reach. The ILC can be upgraded to higher energy, enabling precision studies of the top
quark and measurement of the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs self-coupling.
The international - including European - interest for the project is very strong. Europe has
participated in the ILC project since its early conception and plays a major role in its present
development covering most of its scienti?c and technological aspects: physics studies, accelerator
and detectors. The potential for a wide participation of European groups and laboratories is thus
high, including important opportunities for European industry.
Following decades of technical development, R&D, and design optimisation, the project is ready
for construction and the European particle physics community, technological centers and industry
are prepared to participate in this challenging endeavour.


Prof. James Brau (University of Oregon) Juan Fuster Verdú (IFIC-Valencia (ES)) Steinar Stapnes (CERN)

Presentation materials