TauFV is a fixed-target experiment designed to search for Lepton Flavour Violation in tau decays, utilising a high energy, high intensity proton beam impinging on a distributed system of targets. In the baseline proposal, TauFV will be situated on the high-intensity beam line the Beam-Dump Facility of the SPS, upstream of the SHiP experiment. Its performance will rely on advanced detector technologies, currently under development for applications at future hadron-collider experiments, with excellent radiation hardness and the capabilities to provide timing information with a precision of a few tens of picoseconds. Preliminary studies indicate a sensitivity to the mode $\tau^-\rightarrow\mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$ down to branching ratios of $10^{-10}$. The experiment will be able to perform searches and measurements in many other tau decays, and across a wide range of topics in kaon and charm physics.