1 November 2018 to 19 December 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Polish input to the Update of European Strategy for Particle Physics 2020-2025

Not scheduled
National road maps


This is a position paper which aims at describing the current status and plans of Polish PP research community for the coming Update of ESPP 2020. The document does not discuss some subject closely related to PP in Poland like the Polish research in Astroparticle Physic and Nuclear Physics, and education, outreach and technology transfer issues.
The worldwide activities of PP in the coming five to ten years are already, to large extend, defined by the present world wide programme of LHC and HL-LHC, KEK, and LBNO (DUNE) preparations. The main unknown is the shape of PP in the longer perspective. In particular, both the time-scale and venues of the future colliders, many of which are in the various stages of discussions and planning, are presently unknown.
It is clear to us that the present update of the ESPP has to include, as one of the high priority items, strategic decisions on the future development of the high-energy frontier, as well as the accelerator and detector research needed for future colliders.
The Addendum to this document describes in more detail the current activities of the Polish PP community with some informations on funding, resources (including HR) and future plans.


Prof. Jan Krolikowski (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials