1 November 2018 to 19 December 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Importance of Research-Industry Collaborations on Emerging Technologies towards Exascale Computing

Not scheduled
Instrumentation and computing


High Energy Physics is facing a shortage in computing power that has been evaluated between one and two orders of magnitude in the next ten years. To preserve the physics discovery potential and make the best use of the data that will be collected at great cost, it will be essential to explore emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in close collaboration with leading industry partners. CERN openlab has adopted a unique approach to foster this collaboration by defining and coordinating innovative projects between industry, HEP users and other research entities in hardware, software, algorithms, and education. We propose that the European Strategy for Particle Physics should consider the CERN openlab collaborative R&D model and support the establishment of collaborative programmes as efficient tools in the development of the future computing strategies for HEP.


Presentation materials