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17 September 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

CephFS: looking for the Swiss Army knife of POSIX filesystems

17 Sept 2019, 16:25
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


46.232615, 6.045141
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Mattia Belluco (Univerisity of Zurich)


At the University of Zurich we strive to offer our researchers the best solutions to store and access their data. Last year we deployed a new Ceph cluster exclusively devoted to CephFS to replace both the traditional NFS boxes and the RBD-images-exported-over-NFS ones. The ultimate goal is to use CephFS everywhere POSIX compatibility is required, including in our (small) HPC cluster instead of a traditional parallel filesystem.
We will share the benchmarks we took and the bumps we hit during the journey, navigating between releases with different maturity levels, experimental features, and performance hiccups.

Primary author

Mattia Belluco (Univerisity of Zurich)


Enrico Favero (University of Zurich) Filippo Stenico (University of Zurich)

Presentation materials