25–29 Mar 2019
SDSC Auditorium
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Endpoint user device and app provisioning models

25 Mar 2019, 14:25
E-B 212 (SDSC Auditorium)

E-B 212

SDSC Auditorium

10100 Hopkins Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems End-User IT Services & Operating Systems


Michal Kwiatek (CERN)


Over the last years, there has been a number of trends related to how devices are provisioned and managed within organizations, such as BYOD - "Bring Your Own Device" or COPE: "Company Owned, Personally Enabled". In response, a new category of products called "Enterprise Mobility Management Suites", which includes MDM - "Mobile Device Management" and MAM - "Mobile Application Management" emerged on the market. Vendors like VMWare, MobileIron, Microsoft and Citrix now all provide more or less comprehensive systems in this category. But how do these commercial systems correspond to the needs of the Scientific Community?

This talk will summarize current status of device management practices and the strategy for provisioning of devices and applications at CERN. It will also attempt to initiate wider discussion within the community.


Presentation materials