The duration of WHFP talks is indicated in the timetable. Please notice that the total talk duration includes some time for questions/comments, namely 5 minutes (3 minutes) for 30 and 40 minutes (20 minutes) talks.
In the workshop amphitheatre there will be a computer where the talks will be uploaded to. You will not be able to use your own laptop to present your talk.The preferred format for your file is PDF. If you wish to use Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT), be sure that there will be no incompatibility issues with the fonts. Two ways of avoiding such problems are either to save your PPT file with the “embedded fonts” options or to convert your file to PDF.
The final version of your talk file should be sent by email to, or uploaded directly to Indico as material of your contribution, until (at least):
- The day before your talk, for talks in the morning
- The morning coffee break of the day of your talk, for talks in the afternoon
In case you are not able to upload your talk to Indico, please send us the e-mail address associated to your indico account.