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A follow up to the 1st workshop held in April 2018, with full analysis of Run 2 data, focusing on radiation effects in inner detector systems.

A substantial integrated luminosity has been delivered to the LHC experiments and the impact of the radiation on detector systems is becoming increasingly evident. The goal of this 2 day workshop at CERN is to bring together experts across the different LHC experiments and share experiences of running complex detector systems in harsh radiation environments. How well are we modelling and monitoring radiation damage? Have there been unforeseen effects, if so how was the impact mitigated? What are the operational plans for LS2 to ensure performance success for Run 3? What lessons can be learned for the LHC upgrades and future vertex and tracking detector systems? With over 150 fb-1 delivered luminosity these discussions are timely.

Participation to the workshop is open to all.
Oral presentations are by invitation.
There are no registration fees, but please register (if you'd like free coffee!)​​​​​​​

The 2 day workshop is divided into sessions on:

Session 1: Sensor Measurements (Mon 9.00-12.30)

Overview of radiation induced changes of sensor properties and the resulting degradation of LHC tracking performance. This will include measurements of sensor-, cluster-, and track-level observables that are sensitive to radiation damage effects including the leakage current, "depletion voltage", Lorentz angle, hit efficiency, charge collection efficiency, tracking efficiency, tracking resolution, etc. Discussion will include techniques and models used to scale sensor damage parameters over temperature, fluence and time. Outlook to expected future performance degradation and discussion on lessons learned from present detector operation towards the future (Run 3+) in relation to damage modelling, prediction, measurements and potentially mitigation.

Session 2: Sensor Simulation (Mon 14.00-17.30)

Review strategies and algorithms deployed by the LHC experimental collaborations to simulate fluence-dependent effects in silicon tracking detectors.  Discussion will include model integration into collaboration Monte Carlo productions, benchmark studies, validation and tuning strategies, comparisons to data, challenges (e.g. annealing), and outlook for Run 3 and the HL-LHC (time permitting).

Session 3: Radiation Background Simulation and Monitoring (Tue 9.00-12.30)

Overview of the radiation background simulations performed at the LHC experiments. Discussions on: pp collision event generation; particle transport FLUKA/G4; predicting radiation damage NIEL/TID/SEU; comparisons between the simulated predictions and the LHC Run1/Run2 detector and monitoring measurements; understanding simulation uncertainties (and safety factors) for predictions at the HL-LHC and beyond.

Session 4: Electronics/Optoelectronics (Tue 14.00-17.30)

Overview of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation effects on tracking detector electronics.  Low and high dose-effects will be discussed.  This session will include measurements and operational experience with single event upsets, calibration drift, and tuning.  The session will also include strategies for mitigating radiation-induced effects such as lowering thresholds and re-calibrating / power-cycling.  Future outlook towards Run 3+ will be discussed.

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
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