21–23 Jan 2019
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Dirac analysis of cosmological perturbation theory.

21 Jan 2019, 11:45
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

seminar room 4.50 (1st and 2nd day), 4.49 (3rd day) Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw ul. Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warszawa Poland


Mr Przemysław Małkiewicz (National Centre for Nuclear Research)


I will talk about the Dirac procedure for constrained systems applied to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism linearized around the Friedmann-Lemaitre universe. I will employ some basic concepts such as Dirac observables, Dirac brackets, gauge-fixing conditions, reduced phase space, physical Hamiltonian and physical dynamics, and the canonical isomorphism between different gauge-fixed surfaces. The formalism is developed for the universe with a single fluid and then straightforwardly extended to the multi-fluid case. The obtained result is a starting point for future quantization of the cosmological perturbations and the cosmological background [arXiv:1810.11621].

Presentation materials