EOS workshop

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map

The 3rd EOS workshop is in preparation to bring together the EOS community.

This two-day event at CERN is organized to provide a platform for exchange between developers, users and sites running EOS.

The first day of the workshop takes place in the IT amphitheater covering a wide range of topics related to EOS development, operations, deployments, applications, collaborations and various use-cases!

The second day will focus on operational aspects, demonstrations, hands-on tutorials with a deep-dive and the future roadmap & service evolution. The practical sessions will take place in a CERN computer center meeting room (513-1-024).

We invite all participants to join a social dinner on Monday evening (at your expense).


The workshop participation will be without fee.

Please register yourself to the workshop here. Don't forget to submit an abstract if you would like to share your experience/ideas within the EOS community.

If you are interested in joining the EOS community, this is the perfect occasion!

We look forward to seeing and talking to many of you in February 2019!

Your CERN EOS team.

EOS Workshop
89 / 90
  • A. Egon Cholakian
  • Ahmad Siar Hesam
  • Alberto Pace
  • Aleksei Golunov
  • Alex Davis
  • Alexander Gerbershagen
  • Andrea Ceccanti
  • Andrea Manzi
  • Andreas Joachim Peters
  • Andrey KIRYANOV
  • Andrey Zarochentsev
  • Armin Burger
  • Belinda Chan
  • Bo Jayatilaka
  • Branko Blagojevic
  • Brian Paul Bockelman
  • Caio Costa
  • Cristian Contescu
  • Crystal Michelle Chua
  • Dan Szkola
  • Darrell Long
  • Dejan Cusic
  • Denis Pugnere
  • Dietrich Liko
  • Diogo Castro
  • Dirk Duellmann
  • Ean Mackney
  • Elvin Alin Sindrilaru
  • Enrico Bocchi
  • Erich Birngruber
  • Fabio Luchetti
  • Felix Böhm
  • Franck Eyraud
  • Gavin Kennedy
  • Georgios Bitzes
  • Georgios Kaklamanos
  • German Cancio Melia
  • Germano Massullo
  • Gregor Molan
  • Gregor Molan
  • Guido Aben
  • Gyan Shrestha
  • Herve Rousseau
  • Holger Angenent
  • Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
  • Iago Santos Pardo
  • Igor Tkachenko
  • Ingrid Kulkova
  • Ivan Arizanovic
  • Ivan Kadochnikov
  • Ivan Kashunin
  • Jakub Moscicki
  • Jan Iven
  • Jean-Michel Barbet
  • João Vicente
  • Julien Leduc
  • Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
  • Lepeke Phukungoane
  • Luca Mascetti
  • Maria Arsuaga Rios
  • Martin Vala
  • Michael D'Silva
  • Michael Davis
  • Michal Simon
  • Mihai Carabas
  • Mihai Patrascoiu
  • Miloslav Straka
  • Nick Ziogas
  • Nikola Hardi
  • Nitin Agarwal
  • Nuri Twebti
  • Oliver Keeble
  • Paul Musset
  • Petra Loncar
  • Pier Valerio Tognoli
  • Prasun Singh Roy
  • Rainer Toebbicke
  • Roberto Valverde Cameselle
  • Sean Murray
  • Simone Campana
  • Stefan Ost
  • Sumio Kato
  • Tom Needham
  • Valery Mitsyn
  • Vikas Singhal
  • Volodymyr Yurchenko
  • Xavier Espinal
  • Yujiang BI
  • Yuri Butenko
EOS Site Survey
There is a live webcast for this event