Hadronic W boson and top quark tagging at ATLAS

Not scheduled


Abstract for poster-session Taggers and performance Session 6


The reconstruction and identification of boosted hadronic final states is a key part for beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics searches and precision measurements of Standard Model processes at ATLAS. Identification algorithms designed to identify boosted hadronically decaying W bosons and top quarks, known as taggers, have been updated and optimized from previous efforts to include the data collected between 2015 and 2017, corresponding to 80 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity. The data are used to derive scale factors to correct the relative difference in the tagging efficiency between data and MC simulation for these taggers. This poster describes the latest tagger developments and derivation procedure of the signal efficiency scale factors using lepton+jets events with a ttbar topology for a cut-based tagger using hadronic jet properties optimized to identify jets containing the full decay of a W boson and two Deep Neural Network top taggers that use jet substructure moments as inputs; one optimized to identify jets containing all the energy from a hadronically decaying top quark, and the other optimized to identify jets containing part of the hadronic top quark decay regardless of containment.


Collaboration (ATLAS)

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