Search for Boosted Higgs decaying into bottom quark pairs in CMS

21 Jul 2020, 17:00


Abstract for poster-session Measurements and Calculations Session 6


I will present the search for boosted Higgs boson with transverse momentum greater than 450 GeV decaying into bottom quark pairs using LHC full run 2 dataset collected by the CMS experiment.
In this search, we employed the latest jet substructure variables and b-tagging techniques based on a deep neural network to reduce the overwhelming QCD backgrounds.
An excess of events above background is observed with a local significance of 2.5 standard deviation, while the expectation is 0.7.
The measured Higgs production cross sections is also presented as a function of transverse momentum of the Higgs boson and compared with the latest gluon-gluon fusion prediction with finite top-mass corrections.


Ka Hei Martin Kwok (Brown University (US))

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