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Joint e-cloud / PyHEADTAIL Meeting

6/2-004 (CERN)



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Gianni presented the multi-bunch framework developed for the simulation of multi-bunch PyHEADTAIL-PyECLOUD simulations.

  • Gianni presents the outline and context showing some use cases requiring the new framework. A particular challenge is the resolution of the very different time scales of proton and electron motion to capture the coupled dynamics.
  • Gianni went through the parallelization strategy used for multi bunch simulations. Parallelization is made on the segments on the ring. Assuming e-cloud resets itself between individual turns, the simulation over several turns can be executes in a kind of helix manner. A final optimization is done by increasing the granularity of "bunching" by reducing the size of the slots that are sent around to the different processors. This can give another factor 5 of speed up.
  • PyPARIS is used as an additional layer to manage the parallelization and communication between the various Python objects. Data passed around are beam slots along with a small dictionary describing the fundamental properties of each slot.
  • The modifications for PyECLOUD were significant. Gianni went through the necessary changes.
  • Time discretization is more complex and changes depending on whether or not interaction with the beam takes place. 
  • Scaling was studied as well. Hyper threading works well.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:10
      Arising matters 10m
      Speakers: Giovanni Iadarola (CERN), Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)
    • 11:15 12:00
      New tools for the simulation of coupled bunch instabilities driven by electron cloud 45m
      Speaker: Giovanni Iadarola (CERN)
    • 12:00 12:10
      AOB 10m

      Please use this space to upload any material that you would like to discuss.

      Speaker: everybody