LP2019 IAC call



    • 1
      Overview of LP2019 Organisation
      Speaker: William Trischuk (University of Toronto (CA))
    • 2
      Feedback from IAC on Plenary talks and speaker
    • 3
      Advice for LP2019 Parallel Session and Advisory Committee
    • 4
      Special Events at LP2019

      Public lecture
      Diversity talk/discussion/panel
      European strategy
      Chinese/ Japanese plans

    • 5
      Advertising LP2019

      Mail out the traditional poster
      Use lab/experiment communications channels
      Key Dates:
      - January 10, 2019 -- Registration and Abstracts open
      - April 15, 2019 -- Abstracts close -- PAC at work
      - June 1, 2019 -- Program final, Early registration ends

    • 6
      Email feedback received from committee members