Visit from UiA: Entrepreneurship exchange

from Monday 14 January 2019 (08:00) to Wednesday 16 January 2019 (23:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Jan 2019
09:00 Intro to Entrepreneurship at CERN + discussion - Ranveig Strom (CERN)   (IdeaSquare)
10:20 --- Quick break ---
10:30 Introduction to IdeaSquare + Discussion - Markus Nordberg (CERN)   (IdeaSquare)
11:15 Introduction to CBI + Discussion - Santeri Palomäki (Aalto University (FI))   (IdeaSquare)
12:00 --- LUNCH ---
13:00 Independent work - UiA w/student team   (IdeaSquare)
18:00 Entrepreneurship Meet-Up #74 - About FabLabs   ()
19:00 --- Refreshments with the CERN Entrepreneurship Network ---