After a brief presentation of HEALPix, I will discuss the specificities of the CDS implementation.
This implementation has been natively coded in both Java and Rust. Wrappers make the Rust library accessible in Javascript/WebAssembly and Python.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the exact solution of cone/polygon coverage queries and on MOCs in which each cell contains a boolean flag.
I will give a brief presentation about the new Rust system programming langage:
- the compiler rules enabling memory safety
- how one can interface Rust code with Python
Then, regarding to what has been currently done in cdshealpix I will talk about the CI pipeline I used for generating and deploying binary wheels for different platforms.
I will present MOC (Multi Order Coverage maps), a Virtual Observatory standard allowing one to describe and compare spatial coverage of astronomical datasets.
After presenting the MOC format (based on HEALPix tessellation), I will show some practical applications of MOC usage, using the MOCPy library developed at CDS.
In several branches of astrophysics, high-level data format consists of event lists - containing the reconstructed energy, direction and arrival time (and some other informations, eg: event type) of each event. For analysis and visualisation, maps are made by astronomers with a pixelisation and binning chosen to suit the use case. FITS maps, using either a WCS or a HEALPix format, are commonly...
I will summarize two software suites used for analysis of Fermi-LAT data: the fermitools (formerly ScienceTools), and the fermipy python-based software package.
The Fermi-LAT instrument differs in a fundamental way from its predecessors, particularly EGRET, in having a much larger field of view and energy range. With also having a much larger effective area, the data volume is also substantially larger. The design of pointlike took these factors into account in contrast to the more standard software tools based on the EGRET experience. I will explain...
The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), with its broad energy range and instantaneous coverage of 2/3 of the sky, observes a wide variety of flaring or transient phenomena. These capabilities make it ideally suited for the search of transient events and to contribute to the new era of multi-messenger astrophysics. The GBM team has recently released the GSPEC analysis package, a modern...