Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

26–30 Sept 2021
Virtual from Consorzio RFX Padova
Europe/Rome timezone



  • Due to the status of SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the LOC decided to opt for a “hybrid” format. This measure allows a maximum of 120 participants physically on site. This also entails that neither exhibition nor poster sessions will be there.

New dates

Conference dates     26 September - 01 October 2021
Abstract submission deadline  28 February 2021
Abstract acceptance notification 07 March 2021
Paper submission opens  14 March 2021
Paper submission deadline  31 May 2021
Paper acceptance notification   28 June 2021
Early registration deadline  16 July 2021
Registration closure    01 September 2021


Important message from the Local Organising Committe

Dear Participant,

The Local Organizing Committee is lavishing its best effort on the conference organization in both in-presence and remote formats.

We look forward to seeing you here in person, but all of us is facing the unpredictable evolution of the Covid variants, and the risk of the in-presence conference cancellation Is not at all negligible.

For this reason, in agreement with the PISC, the LOC has set the date of 01 September 2021 for the  ultimate decision about the in-presence Conference, which could be cancelled either for constraints determined by the pandemic or if the number of attendees with the fee paid is too low.

In conclusion, you're still warmly invited to attend the Conference in presence, but we recommend to book travels and accommodations free of cancellation charges.

In case of the in-presence conference cancellation, you will be of course rapidly reimbursed of the difference between the fee paid and the remote participation fee (50€).

Let's cross the fingers!