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HPTPC analysis and software meeting


HPTPC meeting 24/01/19


Attendees: Deisting, Brailsford, Atkin, Richie-Yates, Dunne, Nonnenmacher, Hamacher-Baumann ,Jones, Valder, Haigh, Kaboth


Working group reports


 - Plan to add spark cut to cfg file

 - Bias subtraction written (as last week)

 - Next steps are to write event processor to extract bias frames


 - Test event processor written and working in principle

 - Already able to check amplitudes and baselines  

 - Risetime need debugging

 - Gaussian smoothing implemented but needs debugging

 - Working on porting XMLs to mySQL.  This information will then be stored in the waveforms


 - MySQL hooked up with RAPtorr now

 - Ed has granted access to the DBs from linapp3

 - Now able to proceed with interrogating the spill DB to make spill events


HPTPC instrument paper

 - Descriptions of the detector have progressed

 - Data analysis sections need filling in but rely on results yet to be made

 - February deadline for completing non-results sections + skeleton of results

 - Missing sections to be discussed offline


Beam flux paper

 - Developing structure for S4 section

 - S1-S3 development work being chased up

Talk by Seb on proton/pion ratios in S4 (related to beam flux paper)

 - S1-S4 time distribution has double peak structure for protons

 - A. Korzenev’s plot for the utof does not have this structure and the proton/pion peaks separate for different moderator blocks

 - Plan to reproduce Korzenev’s plot and get in contact with him

 - proton/mip peak seen in the horizontal direction across S4.  Need to verify which off-axis position this corresponds to


Next RAPtorr workshop

 - Due to teaching constraints, term-time workshops are constrained to London

 - Too many collaborator constraints in Feb so early March looking most likely

 - Doodle poll to fill out.  Please fill it out!

 - Budget constraints for many people

 - Patrick will ask Morgan about budgets


New meeting time

 - Will be 12:00 -> 13:00 on Fridays as a trial


BTTB7 workshop debrief

 - Talk well received

 - Outlined FNAL test beam facility with energies in the range relevant for x-sec measurements

 - Attendees impressed with the speed at which the HPTPC was setup, commissioned and shipped

 - Interested parties in the HPTPC DAQ

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:20
      Working group reports 20m
      • CCD
      • Waveform
      • 'Global'
      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Dominic Bevan Brailsford (Lancaster University (GB)), Edward Thomas Atkin (Imperial College (GB)), Jennifer Teresa Haigh (University of Warwick (GB)), Patrick James Dunne (Imperial College (GB)), Sammy Lee Valder (University of Warwick (GB)), Toby Sean Nonnenmacher (Imperial College (GB)), William Charles Parker (University of London (GB))
    • 10:20 10:30
      HPTPC instrumentation paper status 10m
      Speaker: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB))
    • 10:30 10:40
      Beam flux paper status 10m
      Speakers: Seb Jones (University of London (GB)), Toby Nonnenmacher (Imperial College London)
    • 10:40 10:55
      Next RAPtorr workshop 15m

      Doodle poll:

      Speaker: Patrick James Dunne (Imperial College (GB))
    • 10:55 11:05
      New weekly meeting day/time 10m

      Doodle poll:

      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Dominic Bevan Brailsford (Lancaster University (GB))
    • 11:05 11:15
      BTTB7 Workshop debrief 10m
      Speaker: Toby Sean Nonnenmacher (Imperial College (GB))
    • 11:15 11:35
      aob 20m