22–24 Oct 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Without the World Wide Web, there would be no Archivematica. And without CERN, there would be no World Wide Web. So it only seems fitting that Archivematica Camp is heading to the birthplace of the web in October 2019!

Inspired by similar events like Hydra Camp, Islandora Camp and Fedora Camp, Archivematica Camp is intended to provide a space for anyone interested in or currently using Archivematica to come together, learn about the platform from other users, and share their experiences.

More information on the Archivematica Camp at CERN : https://wiki.archivematica.org/Community/Camps/Geneva2019

A big thanks to CERN, Docuteam, and the UNHCR for co-hosting this camp!


31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre
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Registration for this event is currently open.