The CMS collaboration aims to provide high-quality analysis results to the particle physics community. The rich search program for beyond-the-standard-model phenomena in various topologies is an excellent basis for reinterpretation by external scientists. In this talk, I will discuss the steps taken by the collaboration in order to facilitate such reinterpretations.
In order to maximise the sensitivity to parameters of interest (e.g. Wilson Coefficients), theoretical uncertainties can be constrained using data itself. This builds in theoretical assumptions into measurements. Reinterpreting such measurements is a crucial component in order to prevent them from becoming obsolete with theoretical progress. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges and...
With the second data-taking run of the LHC concluded, the analysis of the full Run-2 dataset on currently in preparation are expected to be the leading measurements of final states sensitive to BSM phenomena for an increasingly extended period of time. Therefore infrastructure to aid both external and internal reinterpretation is gaining in importance. We will provide an update on the efforts...
HEPData is a unique open-access repository for high-level data from experimental particle physics papers, typically the numbers behind the plots or tables that appear in publications. It is the primary repository for publication-related data from the LHC experiments. The HEPData software
was completely rewritten in 2015-16, in collaboration with CERN, and the
data was migrated to a new...
Is a new approach is needed to fully exploit the data provided by the LHC?
As the LHC begins long shutdown 2, despite hundreds of dedicated searches, there has been no sign of new physics. In these searches, much effort is put into understanding the control regions, but this information is almost never made public, and is therefore lost to posterity. In this talk, I will argue for a new...
Beyond Standard Model (BSM) scenarios often involve particles with significantly longer lifetimes compared to the particles in the Standard Model. Reliable Monte Carlo tools for simulation of processes involving such long-lived particles (LLPs) are essential for BSM searches and a variety of frameworks already exists (such as MadGraph accompanied by MadSpin, to name a few).
However, a fully...
I will review detector-corrected measurements that have recently been made at the LHC with the aim of allowing reinterpretation for new physics searches. I will discuss new proof-of-concept measurements designed with searches for and measurement of new phenomena in mind, new results characterising anomalous Higgs boson interactions, and effective field theory interpretations of electroweak...
I will present the latest work on electroweak supersymmetry from the GAMBIT collaboration. With GAMBIT we have performed a large-scale fit of the electroweakino (neutralino and chargino) sector of the MSSM. The fit incorporates simulations of several recent ATLAS and CMS SUSY searches, in addition to constraints from SUSY searches at LEP and the invisible decay widths of the Z and Higgs...
Particle-level measurements, especially of differential cross-sections, made in fiducial regions of phase-space have a high degree of model-independence and can therefore be used to give information about a wide variety of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics implemented in Monte Carlo generators, using a broad range of final states. The Contur package is used to make such comparisons. We...
SModelS is a tool to make systematic use of simplified models results. In this talk I shall briefly report on recent and ongoing developments of the tool.
Calculating p-values to quantify the statistical significance of any excesses in an individual LHC analysis is usually a routine task for LHC experimentalists, however theories of physics Beyond the Standard Model typically make predictions that are relevant to many LHC analyses at once. If excesses appear in several analyses it is thus of great importance to accurately assess their joint...
Various MSSM scenarios have been well investigated at the LHC, with current bounds having implications on naturalness that suggest the timely consideration of non-minimal scenarios. The purpose of this talk is to present limits on the gluino (fermionic partner of the gluon) and squarks (scalar partners of the quarks) in the minimal Dirac gaugino extension of the MSSM, derived through a...
In this talk, I will talk about the use of vacuum stability as a phenomenological constraint in BSM models, highlighting its complementarity with constraints coming from e.g. collider experiments. In the talk I will describe how to consider constraints from the decay to e.g. color- and charge- breaking minima at both zero and non-zero temperature in models with extended scalar sectors. I will...
We shall review simplified Z' models as explanations for discrepancies between measurements of certain neutral current B meson decays and Standard Model predictions. We provide estimates of LHC and future collider sensitivity. Then a more complete model is introduced: The Third Family Hypercharge Model, which also explains some coarse features of the fermion mass spectrum.
Effective Field Theory (EFT) is a powerful tool to parametrize high-scale New Physics in a largely model independent way. We employ this method to study the top quark sector of the dimension-six EFT extension of the Standard Model. In particular, we perform a global fit of top-quark related Wilson coefficients using experimental data. While fit results for TEVATRON and LHC Run I data have been...
The SM EFT is a field-theoretical framework for describing high-scale physics. The unique sensitivity of Higgs measurements to new physics can be demonstrated by constraining EFT parameters with these measurements. I will describe procedures for translating Higgs measurements into EFT constraints.
Rare semileptonic $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions provide some of the most promising framework to search for New Physics effects. Recent analyses of these decays have indicated an anomalous pattern in measurements of angular distributions of the decay $B^0 \to K^{*0} \mu^+ \mu^-$ and in lepton-flavour- universality observables. A direct determination of the Wilson coefficients from data is...