2–4 Apr 2019
Europe/London timezone

Calculating p-values for excesses in combinations of LHC searches

3 Apr 2019, 15:50
LT2 (Imperial)



Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ


Benjamin Farmer (Imperial College London)


Calculating p-values to quantify the statistical significance of any excesses in an individual LHC analysis is usually a routine task for LHC experimentalists, however theories of physics Beyond the Standard Model typically make predictions that are relevant to many LHC analyses at once. If excesses appear in several analyses it is thus of great importance to accurately assess their joint statistical significance. In this talk I will discuss some methods for doing this, as well as some important limitations that exist at present; in particular, performing accurate look-elsewhere corrections for BSM signals is often prohibitively difficult.


Benjamin Farmer (Imperial College London)

Presentation materials