Session 2
- Pat Scott
Is a new approach is needed to fully exploit the data provided by the LHC?
As the LHC begins long shutdown 2, despite hundreds of dedicated searches, there has been no sign of new physics. In these searches, much effort is put into understanding the control regions, but this information is almost never made public, and is therefore lost to posterity. In this talk, I will argue for a new...
Beyond Standard Model (BSM) scenarios often involve particles with significantly longer lifetimes compared to the particles in the Standard Model. Reliable Monte Carlo tools for simulation of processes involving such long-lived particles (LLPs) are essential for BSM searches and a variety of frameworks already exists (such as MadGraph accompanied by MadSpin, to name a few).
However, a fully...
I will review detector-corrected measurements that have recently been made at the LHC with the aim of allowing reinterpretation for new physics searches. I will discuss new proof-of-concept measurements designed with searches for and measurement of new phenomena in mind, new results characterising anomalous Higgs boson interactions, and effective field theory interpretations of electroweak...
I will present the latest work on electroweak supersymmetry from the GAMBIT collaboration. With GAMBIT we have performed a large-scale fit of the electroweakino (neutralino and chargino) sector of the MSSM. The fit incorporates simulations of several recent ATLAS and CMS SUSY searches, in addition to constraints from SUSY searches at LEP and the invisible decay widths of the Z and Higgs...