Session 4
- Jonathan Butterworth (University College London (UK))
We shall review simplified Z' models as explanations for discrepancies between measurements of certain neutral current B meson decays and Standard Model predictions. We provide estimates of LHC and future collider sensitivity. Then a more complete model is introduced: The Third Family Hypercharge Model, which also explains some coarse features of the fermion mass spectrum.
Effective Field Theory (EFT) is a powerful tool to parametrize high-scale New Physics in a largely model independent way. We employ this method to study the top quark sector of the dimension-six EFT extension of the Standard Model. In particular, we perform a global fit of top-quark related Wilson coefficients using experimental data. While fit results for TEVATRON and LHC Run I data have been...
The SM EFT is a field-theoretical framework for describing high-scale physics. The unique sensitivity of Higgs measurements to new physics can be demonstrated by constraining EFT parameters with these measurements. I will describe procedures for translating Higgs measurements into EFT constraints.
Rare semileptonic $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions provide some of the most promising framework to search for New Physics effects. Recent analyses of these decays have indicated an anomalous pattern in measurements of angular distributions of the decay $B^0 \to K^{*0} \mu^+ \mu^-$ and in lepton-flavour- universality observables. A direct determination of the Wilson coefficients from data is...