26–31 Aug 2019
Nicosia, Cyprus
Europe/Rome timezone

The TOTEM data at roots = 13 TeV and the enigma of the odderon

Not scheduled
Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

The Landmark Hotel (ex-Hilton)


Prof. Errol Gotsman (Tel Aviv University)


We demonstrate that a model based on CGC/saturation approach, successfully describes soft interaction collisions for a wide energy range of W = 30 GeV to 13 TeV, including the new TOTEM data at 13 TeV. Incorporating the secondary Reggeons in our approach enables us to describe the complete set of soft data, including the energy behaviour of $ \rho $, the ratio of the real to the imaginary parts of the elastic scattering amplitude. We argue that it is premature to claim that an odderon contribution is necessary, and estimate its possible contribution as 1 mb to the real part of the amplitude at W = 13 TeV. We show that the odderon contribution depends on the value of the energy, leading to Re A(s,t =0) = 8 mb, at W =21.3 GeV. Bearing this in mind, we do not believe that $ \rho $ at high energy is the appropriate observable for detecting the odderon contribution.

Primary authors

Prof. Errol Gotsman (Tel Aviv University) Prof. Evgeny Levin (Tel Aviv University) Dr Irina Potashnikova (Departemento de Fisica, Universidad Tecnica Fedrico Santa Maria ,Valparaiso, Chile)

Presentation materials

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