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FLASY2019 is the 8th Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology.

The workshop is intended to bring together researchers in the field of flavor symmetries, neutrino physics, CP violation, accelerator physics and cosmology to present new results, stimulate discussion and new collaborations.

The workshop will have two parts for convenience of travelling, a pre-workshop from 22 to 23 of July at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLi) in Shanghai-Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in Shanghai. On 23rd, participants for the pre-workshop will take high speed train(Here is the ticket information:D3010 train at 14:41 pm, departure on July 23, Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.) to Hefei for the main FLASY2019 workshop at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei from 24 to 27 of July.






  • [18 January , 2019] Registation has started and the Deadline for registration is 15 July 2019!

Date and Place:

  • Pre-workshop: T.D. Lee Institute, SJTU in Shanghai, July 22-23.

  • Main-workshop: USTC in Hefei, July 24-27.

International Advisory Board:

S. Antusch (University of Basel)

A. Aranda (U. Colima, DCPIHEP)

G. Bhattacharyya (Saha Institute Kolkata)

G. Burdman (U. Sao Paulo)

G. Hiller (U. Dortmund)

S. Jaeger (University of Sussex)

T. Kephart (U. Vanderbilt)

S. King (U. Southampton)

S. Kovalenko (Universidad Santa María)

M. Lindner (Max Planck Inst. Heidelberg)

E. Ma (University of California Riverside)

M. Mondragon (UNAM, Mexico)

S. Morisi (Naples U.)

Y. Nir (Weizmann Institute)

H. Päs (T. U. Dortmund)

D. Straub (T. U. Munich)

M. Tanimoto (Niigata U.)

J. W. F. Valle (IFIC/CSIC-Universidad de Valencia)

Yi-Fang Wang (IHEP)(Special consultant)

Zheng-Guo Zhao (USTC)(Special consultant)

Local Organizing Committee:

Gui-Jun Ding (Chair,USTC),

Xiao-Gang He (Co-Chair,TDLI/NTU),

Jun Cao (IHEP),

Hong-Jian He (SJTU),

Dao-Neng Gao (USTC),

Yi Liao (NKU),

Bo-Qiang Ma (PKU),

Wei Wang (SJTU),

Zhi-zhong Xing (IHEP),

Shun Zhou (IHEP),

Guohuai Zhu (ZJU)

Pre-workshop: T.D. Lee Institute, SJTU in Shanghai, July 22-23;Main-workshop: USTC in Hefei, July 24-27

For any additional information or advice, please contact via email.