30 September 2019 to 4 October 2019
Europe/London timezone

Mass spectrum and Higgs profile in B−L symmetric SSM

2 Oct 2019, 17:30


Mr Ozer Ozdal (University of Southampton)


We investigate the predictions on the mass spectrum and Higgs boson decays in the supersymmetric standard model extended by $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry (BLSSM). The model requires two singlet Higgs fields, which are responsible for the radiative breaking of $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry. It predicts degenerate right-handed neutrino masses ($1.7-2.2$ TeV) as well as the right-handed sneutrinos of mass < 4 TeV. The presence of right-handed neutrinos and sneutrinos trigger the baryon and lepton number violation processes, until they decouple from the Standard model particles. Besides, the model predicts rather heavy colored particles; $m_{\tilde{t}}$, $m_{\tilde{b}}$ > 1.5 TeV, while $m_{\tilde{\tau}} < 100$ GeV and $m_{\tilde{\chi}_{1}^{\pm}} > 600$ GeV. Even though the implications are similar to minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), BLSSM can predict another Higgs boson lighter than 150 GeV. We find that the second Higgs boson can be degenerate with the lightest charge parity (CP)-even Higgs boson of mass about 125 GeV and contribute to the Higgs decay into two photons. In addition, it can provide an explanation for the excess in $h\rightarrow 4l$ at the mass scale $\sim 145$ GeV.


Mr Ozer Ozdal (University of Southampton) Cem Salih Un (Uludag University)

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