30 September 2019 to 4 October 2019
Europe/London timezone

Associated pair production of charged Higgs bosons at linear collider in the Seesaw Type II model

Not scheduled


Dr larbi RAHILI


A search for a charged scalars can provide clean, rare, and direct indications for New Physics (NP) beyond the standard model. With the recent results at 13 TeV, we investigate the example of Seesaw mechanism, Type~II model that Higgs sector contains in addition to neutral Higgs bosons $h$, $H$ and $A$, a simply- and doubly- charged states $H^\pm$ and $H^{\pm\pm}$. And so, assuming $h$ to mimic the observed resonance $\sim\,125$ GeV; we ponder the practicality of the associated charged Higgs production through the $e^+e^- \to X \to Z H^\pm H^\mp$ and $e^+e^- \to X \to Z H^{\pm\pm} H^{\mp\mp}$ channels that could have further substantial challenges at the future International Linear Collider (ILC) experiments.
In view of that, we perform an extensive parameter scan in the lower part of the scalar mass spectrum taking into account the latest theoretical and experimental constraints. Our study in this regard shows that the production cross section can reach the level several $fb$ in the reasonable parameter space notably for the $H^{\pm\pm}$ pairwise production, which can be a clean signal for NP.


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