30 September 2019 to 4 October 2019
Europe/London timezone

Measuring lambda_hhh Using HH->bbbb at HL-LHC --- A Feasibility Study

Not scheduled


Beojan Stanislaus (University of Oxford (GB))


A study into the feasibility of measuring the Higgs self-coupling, lambda_hhh using the high luminosity LHC is presented.

Reconstructing the variation in the di-Higgs invariant mass distribution with
$\lambda_{hhh}$ is essential to measuring this parameter well. Simulated signal
data is used to demonstrate the challenges in doing this.

The above simulated signal data is then used in combination with additional
simulated background data to present a sample analysis using a neural network

  1. Separate signal from background, and
  2. Discriminate signals corresponding to differing $\lambda_{hhh}$

This sample analysis is used to determine the significance with which a signal
could be expected to be measured, and the limits which could be expected on


Beojan Stanislaus (University of Oxford (GB))

Presentation materials

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