7–10 Apr 2019
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

Measurement of CP violation parameters in B⁰ → DK*0 decays

10 Apr 2019, 11:00
Clore Lecture Theatre, Huxley 213 (Imperial College London)

Clore Lecture Theatre, Huxley 213

Imperial College London

Imperial College London Prince Consort Road South Kensington London


Hannah Pullen (University of Oxford (GB))


The CP-violating angle γ is the only angle of the unitarity triangle which can be measured via tree-level processes. γ can also be measured indirectly using loop-level processes, which are susceptible to the effects of new physics. An observed discrepancy between the direct and indirect measurements of γ would be evidence for new physics. Reducing the experimental uncertainty on the direct γ measurement is therefore of great interest.
To measure γ, we exploit interference between decays with b → u and b → c quark transitions. One such decay is B0 → DK*0, where D is a superposition of D0 and anti-D0 mesons. An analysis of this mode is presented with D reconstructed in the two-body final states K-π+, K+π-, K+K- and π+π-, and the four-body final states K-π+π-π+, K+π-π+π- and π+π-π+π-. The data sample used corresponds to 5 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions collected by the LHCb experiment. Several observables are measured, including CP asymmetries. These provide constraints on γ as well the amplitude ratio rB and strong phase difference δB between the interfering decays.

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