The control of CERN’s beam-transfer kicker magnet high-voltage pulse generators requires often the use of digital control in FPGAs to allow tight timing control (jitter better than one ns) and fast protection of the high-voltage thyratron and semiconductor switches. A FPGA is a perfect candidate for the digital logic, it is however limited in integration possibilities with the actual and...
The APx platform encompasses multiple ATCA blade types, supporting CMS Phase 2 detector back end FPGA-based processing. Central to the APx architecture are two custom-designed ZYNQ mezzanines. The ZYNQ-IPMC is a DIMM form-factor, enhanced IPM controller for ATCA, with primary responsibility for sensor and power control. The Embedded Linux Mezzanine (ELM), has primary responsibility for...
This presentation gives a basic introduction to ZYNQ device(s), explains its booting process, and gives a tutorial covering the necessary steps required for building a working Linux system for ZedBoard (Zynq 7000) with Xilinx Vivado and PetaLinux Tools. Finally, a live demonstration of Linux booting over network with NFS root file system is given.
The Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC is a System on Chip (SoC), which is used in the upgrade of the ATLAS Muon to Central Trigger Processor Interface (MUCTPI) module. It interfaces the MUCTPI module to the ATLAS run control system. While the Linux kernel for the ARM-based processor part of the SoC is being prepared using the Yocto framework, the root file system can be prepared using the dnf...
Presentation of the SLAC tools for running CentOS7 on Zynq 7000.
The presentation will cover the following aspects:
Install SLAC tools via RPM;
Cross-install a Centos7 ARM64 ROOTFS with python script;
Write an SD card from the created ROOTFS;
Boot a ZCU102 from the SD card;
Cross compile an echo server (ZMQ+msgpack) for ZCU102 and compile for a Linux host;
Run echo server and measure...
The Reconfigurable Cluster Element (RCE) readout is a generic DAQ concept based on SoC building blocks with associated networking solution that was initially developed on an ATCA platform at SLAC in 2007. The combination of Gen-1 RCE on Virtex4/PowerPC and HSIO carried out the ATLAS pixel IBL stave QA/QC and installation commissioning in 2013. The RCE Gen-3 design migrated its base to the...
Many of the ATCA blades being proposed include some flavor of SoC on each blade. I will discuss where our SoC, a commercial Zynq 7000 series mezzanine board will fit in in our Apollo family of ATCA blades. The Apollo family of boards are made up of a services module, a command module, a SoC mezzanine, an Ethernet switch, and an IPMC. The services module is the primary board used for...
The Global Feature Extractor (gFEX) is a hardware jet trigger system that will be installed in the ATLAS experiment at CERN during Phase 1 upgrades. The gFEX will read out the entire calorimeter at the full LHC collision rate of 40 MHz and thus be able to calculate global quantities. This allows for the implementation of large-radius jet algorithms, potentially refined with jet subjet...
One of the ongoing technical challenges in experimental high energy physics is the real-time filtering (triggering) of data that may contain interesting interactions from a physics perspective. These challenges are especially pertinent on the hardware level for the general purpose LHC experiments since the first stage of triggering needs to simultaneously function on the order of tenths of...
From 2015 to 2018 the ATLAS Pixel detector has gradually been installing new readout drivers (RODs) that are used for data readout, configuration, monitoring, and calibration of the Pixel frontends. The RODs are 9U VME boards utilizing FPGA technology. The main FPGA is a Xilinx Virtex 5 Soc which contains a PPC440 processor. The processor is used to configure the frontend chips and to read...
In 2026, the LHC will be upgraded to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) allowing it to deliver up to 7 times the instantaneous design luminosity. The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) Phase-II Upgrade will accommodate the detector and data acquisition system to the HL-LHC requirements. The on- and off-detector readout electronics will be completely re-designed to cope with new data rates and...
During LS2, the legacy PreProcessor system of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (L1Calo) will be extended with new VME digital modules, called Tile Rear Extension (TREX). The main task of the TREX modules will be to extract copies of the Tile digitised results from the legacy trigger data path, and to transmit them to the new L1Calo Feature Extractor processors, via optical links running...
Alongside the many gains brought by the addition of SoCs to boards are new management, operation, and development challenges. These SoCs require mechanisms for deploying, maintaining, and managing a large-scale heterogeneous cluster. Doing so requires the maintenance of multiple OS and application build tool chains, mechanisms for deploying and updating both at scale, and tools for accessing...
Xilinx Cybersecurity offering in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is part of the whole Secure Chain. This offer includes HW Security Devices, Secure Boot, Validated OS, Trusted Apps, Secure Comms, System Monitoring and Gateways/Firewalls. This session shows the history of HW Security Features from Virtex-5 to Zynq-UltraScale+ MPSoC with its implemented passive and active features. The...
Security is becoming ever more important as time progresses and is fast becoming a requirement during the architectural decision-making process. From secure boot and authentication through to cryptographic engines FPGAs have an evolving solution to address market needs.
During this brief 10 minute presentation, the headline evolution of secure boot in SoC FPGA devices will be presented,...
After giving a status update on the supported CERN linux distributions, we will talk about the CentOS community and Special Interest Groups (SIG) which is the framework for managing contributions. An overview of the alternative architecture SIG will be given. Finally few key features of the next CentOS release will be discussed.