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26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【911】Microfabricated cantilever beams for rapid bacterial sensitivity tests

28 Aug 2019, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Biophysics, Medical Physics and Soft Matter Poster Session


Mr Anton Malovichko


With the misuse of antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance becomes a very serious public health issue. Proposed technique of antibiotic sensitivity characterization is based on the bacterial nanomotion. The organism of interest is attached onto a cantilever and nanoscale movements induce cantilever oscillations. If the organism is exposed to an antibiotic to which it is sensitive, the oscillations stop.
Alternative approach to conventional AFM, based on the use of light-transmitting polymer as a waveguide and cantilever at the same time, allows to have simple parallel optical readout. Light can be coupled into several waveguides simultaneously, to collect signal from several output lightspots with a CCD camera. Custom design of the cantilevers also gives possibility of micropatterning of cantilever surface with microorganisms.

Primary author

Mr Anton Malovichko


Dr Sandor Kasas Prof. Giovanni Dietler

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